Thursday, November 14, 2013

Defending Conservatism From The Tea Party

As I have argued on plenty of occasions, "moderates" and "RINOs" are going to have to defend conservatism from the Tea Party and the Conservatives in Mouth Only (CIMO).

Let´s review a case in point that keeps coming up.

Rand Paul on Wednesday repeated his attack that Chris Christie is a moderate or a liberal because he accepted federal aid from the government during Hurrican Sandy. Let´s go over this one more time so that we fully understand the utter hypocrisy of CIMO Rand Paul. As has been mentioned a billion times, Kentucky is a donor state. They are on the government dole. They take in more money from Washington than they put in. New Jersey is a donor state. They are the least dependent state on the federal government. They give away more than a third of their income each year.

So when is it liberal to insist that hard-working taxpayers should get some of their OWN hard-earned money back when they are facing a crisis in which thousands of their own citizens are without houses and running water and electricity in the middle of the winter? And how is it that a senator, who comes from a state where said New Jersey taxpayers are sending their money to, can have the audacity to declare that the least dependent state in the United States on the federal government has a "gimmie, gimmie" attitude? It is literally the exact opposite of what Rand Paul says.

Kentucky and Rand Paul are the "gimmie, gimmie" state. If Paul was interested in tackling the national debt, instead of just talking about it like a good little CIMO, he would start with his own state which consists of a lot of people scrounging off of New Jersey taxpayers. But he won´t do that, because the entire Tea Party schtick is built off of the notion that the problem is the big, scary OTHER, whether that be Obama or the RINOs or sharia law or whatever other fear-inducing boogeyman that can be imagined. The complete lack of self-awareness within the Tea Party is breathtaking. If we are going to handle our debt, it will only be after Senators like Rand Paul decide to get their own states off of the government dole.

They won´t do that of course. So the RINOs are going to have to defend conservatism. We, RINOs, believe that taxpayers ought to get their money back, particularly during a devastating crisis.

Rand Paul does not.

It´s time for the adults in the Republican Party to defend conservatism.


  1. I think Paul's issue is fed $ stealthy going on essentially 'good morning America' re-election ads with said politicians up for re-election in them

  2. RomneyMan, I agree with him on that part. But, no, that was not Paul´s issue. Although he has mentioned the ads, he keeps bringing up the Sandy money. That is where he is devling into liberalism.

  3. That's right he used relief money to promote himself. Why does that surprise anyone?

  4. Yeah, RW, you would never support a politician that promotes him or herself.


  5. You don't use federal money to promote your reelection. I'm sure even you recognize the difference. If not, you a compete imbecile.

  6. I really don't like any of these labels, because people don't fit precisely into these groups, and I don't think we should be separating outselves this way. The tea party isn't monolithic, and most of the people who claim to speak for them really don't. Plus, is Paul a tea party or a libertarian? I thought he was the latter. I know there is some overlap in all of it.

    What I want is for the GOP to NOT BLOW this golden moment while Obama and Democrats explode. GOP leaders/pundits/organizations need to call a cease fire on each other and work together--first for all Americans, and second politically.

    This is the only way to make the most of the dem meltdown.

    I'm glad immigration reform is dead for now.


  7. Ha ha. Who is more pure, Paul or Christie? Hard to say, but both are shameless self-promoters. They need to chill it, and start criticizing democrats.


  8. Someone should upload an article along the lines of 'Pablo's Puppies' with text of the sort 'Pablo only needs to upload an article, and all the puppies come a wagging'

    (acknowledging I'm writing on a thread, but you get my drift I'm sure)

  9. Fight on, Pablo!

    Another great post. Keep them coming.

  10. Is Obama talking? Blah blah blah . . .


  11. Yet another article where Pablo once again attacks the Tea Party, Talk Radio and CONSERVATIVES. You are like a broken record. I wait with baited breath for you to attack your fellow Democrats, RINO boy!

    RW also made a great point but Pablo won't respond....too chicken shit once again.

    Pablo Sucks and so does Craigie for Losers

  12. Pablo...don't forget to get a case of Summers Eve! You REALLY need it!

    Pablo Sucks and so does Craigie for Losers

  13. Such juvenile 3rd grade comments. Grow up!

  14. JR, and AJR? Ha ha ha ha

