Friday, November 15, 2013

Cruz: Shutdown Worth It

His ironic justification:

Cruz also took umbrage when people in the audience applauded after Wallace noted how Republicans opposed to Cruz's strategy had fed Wallace opposition research about the senator.
"It's interesting the applause in this room," Cruz said. "If a Republican in Washington attacks Republicans from the left, this room will stand up and cheer. That's a very popular thing in Washington. But if someone stands up and makes the point ... that career politicians in both parties are focused on their own reelection instead of the real pain people are feeling in this country, that is not a message people want to hear in Washington."

No, actually, Cruz wasn´t the least bit concerned about the pain that people would feel, which is why he pursued a course of shutting down the government, leading to a downturn, albeit slight, in economic growth and job creation. The government also now owes around $2 billion to federal workers that didn´t work.

And, no, Cruz wasn´t thinking about his own reelection -- as Senator. He was thinking about Iowan Republicans. This part is so obvious that the people in the room were applauding when Wallace tried to point this out.

I believe that Cruz is finished, but we need to continue pointing out his lies.


  1. lol, here we go,,Pablo posts an upload and...

    watch the puppies start wagging

  2. RM, Not really. The post is too lame for people to comment much on it. I don't even see what he's getting at. If one has to travel to different links to decipher what he's talking about, it's not a good post. He clearly threw this thing up in a haste.

  3. I also have a hard time believing in the purity of Ted Cruz, lol. He's all about the publicity, and way too histrionic for my taste.

    And the shutdown turned out to be a bad deal, with a failed strategy from the start, but I think the damage from it is limited due to the fantastical meltdown of ObamaCare. So that's the good news.


  4. lol, Pablo needs to merely sniff a post, you suckers grant him typically 30+ replies. Granted I've posted on the thread too, but you get my drift I'm sure.

  5. The only people who still mention the shutdown have a bone to pick with Cruz or the tea party, despite the fact that it was engineered by Obama and Reid. You people who preach "compromise" ignore the fact that the Democrats didn't move an inch.

    I repeat nobody gives a shit about the shut down.....except Pablo. Apparently, the OCare mess is just fine with him, because he hasn't breathed a word about it.

  6. RW, did you see his above post? So yes, he did breath a word about it.

    And, yes, you're right. The shutdown was engineered by Obama/Reid, and Cruz fell right into their trap.


  7. I took the bait, and went and watched the video at Pablo's link. The "applause" sounded like 2-3 people....about 2-3 claps each. Wow. Great job, Pablo.

  8. The only people who still mention the shutdown have a bone to pick with Cruz and the Tea Party. Yeah right. The only people who criticize this president do so because he is black, right? Both statements are inaccurate. And in the majority of cases comments are posted here in response to other comments and not necessarily due to the original article that was posted.

  9. Joel, who is out there talking about the shut down right now? It generally only comes up when a Democrat wishes to change the subject. Nobody cares!

  10. And Pablo is posting this way past the sell date. 2-3 people in a Washington audience clapped 2-3 times each. LOL.

  11. Funny how Pablo is going on and on and on about a minor inconveince (the government shutdown,)but he does not care people losing health insurance, losing their jobs due to ObamaCare or Cancer patients not surviving because of losing coverage.

    If it were not for the fact that I recently attended a funeral of a dear friend and had a close relative die under Socialistic medicine, I'd find Pablo entertaing. To be sure, he is good for a laugh, but he is also a dangerous person as he pedles his promotion of socialistic medicine.

  12. OJ, Why do you say so many things about other posters that are simply not true? You have a tendency to assume the worst, without any evidence. Pablo's feelings about the tea party do not in any way mean he promotes socialized medicine, or that he doesn't care about the healthcare mess. Time and again, Pablo has made it clear that he wants/believes in conservative policy. He just happens to disagree with some of you on implementation! In fact, his other post today makes it pretty clear what he thinks about Obama/Obamacare.

    We should all unite in celebrating this glorious moment of Obama/democratic meltdown. We knew Obamacare was bad, but did we believe it could fail so spectacularly so fast? And now the pres is just making things worse--for healthcare, himself, and democrats. Let's enjoy it!

    However,I guess we really can't rejoice when so many millions are suffering under Obamacare, and healthcare has been thrown into utter chaos. This is just unreal.

    I'm a pragmatic conservative. I'm about as conservative as a person can be, though I'm also a pragmatist. You have to do what works, not what you want to work. We have to live in the real world, where half the country is confused. lol


  13. THIS:

    Mitt Romney on CBS today: "I want conservatives to win, NOT JUST TO FIGHT, but to win."

    Great interview, BTW.


  14. Martha,

    Don't you need to fight in order to win?


  15. Yes Martha, it is true that I do not agree with your choice of candidates and I differ with you on a few issue, but I have little doubt that you are a well meaning Conservative American.

    I am sorry, but I simply do not feel the same way about people like Pablo. Frankly, I sometimes question if he is for real. While I can understand that he does not like the Tea party and some of its candidates (yes a few Tea Party candidates or not good,) I will never understand how he fails to recognize the good that the Tea Party has done and the bad that the establishment has done. Hey, if he has a Bromance on Mr. Christie, he can knock himself out, but he has no credability when he claims that he is one of the best Conservatives since sliced bread and what a good place New Jersey. Frankly, when I ever I hear about NJ, I lose all embarassment I might have about my own state and my own governor.

    Pablo and the establishment lecture us about how they hate ObamaCare too, but we cannot do anything to stop it. Let's just cut a tiny bit of government spending elsewhere, they say. I sorry, but this kind of monkeying around does not cut in America. We are better than Europe and the rest of the world suposedly. The healthcare business is a train wreck and it will lead to Socialism if it is not stopped whether Pablo and the establishment admit that or not. We should do what we can to stop this and maintain our freedom as a people.

    Real people are being hurt, not just numbers. At least Bosman is taking time to fight this, but others in the establishment are simple not serious in defending our health care freedom. Again their behavior is hillarious, but the consequences are not funny.

  16. Good to say you AJR, I hope you were not too offended by my trashing of your state, but with respect, your governor is worse than many other governors.

  17. Martha, Mr. Romney lost because he did not fight. And now we are all paying the price as a country because he and his little side kick (Mr. Ryan) refused to fight.

  18. Some of you wonder why I don´t respond often to some of your comments. That is because it is a little difficult to respond to a critiscim, oh, for example, that I support socialized medicine. That is obviously ridiculous. I also do not support Obamacare, although I do sympathize with it, since it used to be a conservative approach to healthcare prior to 2009.

    My point is that Ted Cruz was not willing to tell the truth to the conservative movement. He led us on a path that had no chance of success and he did so only because he wanted to looking good in front of Iowan voters. Now, he is fallen into some luck that Obamacare has been so awful from the get go. The self-inflicted wounds of the Obama administration has bailed Cruz and the Republicans out. Now, everyone is talking about the failures of OC, not Cruz. Great! My point is that we should not squander it by continue to listen to a bunch of clowns who couldn´t care less about the truth. We have an opportunity to convince 51% of Americans that a conservative agenda is right for America. But we won´t be able to as long as we have the Cruz carnival get in the way.

  19. OJ,

    Good to see you as well. No offense taken in regards to Governor Blowhard or I am tired of both as well.


  20. Romney lost for many reasons none of which were because he "didn´t fight" enough. Some of you people need to take a deep breath, get to know people outside of the Tea Party, and understand that simply putting your head down and yelling louder. The majority of the country simply doesn´t listen when the Tea Party talks. Look at any poll or any election. We need to convince a majority of the country, not yell louder.

  21. No it is not obviously ridulolous, but if you were serious about stopping this, you would act differently. You obviusly have no clue how Socialistic health health came about elsewhere in the world; it did not come about overnight. Plans like ObamaCare aim to eventually socialize our medicine.

    "He led us on a path that had no chance of success" because the establishment was too lazy to join the fight.

  22. Above should have been:

    "simply putting your head down and yelling louder doesn´t work"

  23. "We need to convince a majority of the country" That worked out well didn't it. If you actually had a track record of winning, we might believe you.

  24. Yeah, simple failing to fight and blame the Tea Party for all your problems does not work to be sure.

  25. OJ, fighting is not a strategy. We can´t just try really hard. We have to have a strategy. Figthing is a great way to appeal to talk radio audience, it is not a great way to convince a majority of Americans

  26. "He led us on a path that had no chance of success" because the establishment was too lazy to join the fight.

    -Ohio Joe

    OJ, do you understand basic math? Do you know who controls the Senate and the Presidency? Do you realize that Ted Cruz is not the dictator of the United States and cannot just declare his will?

  27. "OJ, do you understand basic math?" Yes, to be blunt, if your math skills are as good, you'd realize that we are never going to balance the budget if policies like ObamaCare are allowed to stand.

    "Ted Cruz is not the dictator of the United States" Yes, I realize that Mr. Obama is the dictator and that the party establishment is trying to dictate non-sense to the rest of us.

    "OJ, fighting is not a strategy" While, fighting in and of itself is not a strategy, you will not succeed by just standing still. BTW, we are still waiting for the establishment to come up with a strategy, but we hear nothing concrete.

  28. "... like ObamaCare are allowed to stand."

    Ohio Joe,

    Allowed? Like Obama and Hillary will ever let it be repealed in your lifetime. Get over it.

  29. Yes, the party establishment wants to get over the fact that that America is turning into a Socialistic basket case. More evidence that there is little difference between Democrats and RINOs.

  30. OJ, that isn't true. I don't know of a single Republican who wants Obamacare to stand. Not even from the very moment it was talked about. The idea that the party is full of RINO's is also untrue.


  31. Cruz said. "If a Republican in Washington attacks Republicans from the left, this room will stand up and cheer."

    I see a bright future for another talk show host.

  32. Lively thread here. Good to see you OJ and AJR. I just wanted to point out that out was a little more than Ted Cruz's luck that Obamacare failed. I think anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of this plan and the regs attending it knows how bad--really bad--it is. The only luck is that gov't messed up the website so badly that even the pro Obama press can't ignore it no matter how much they want to.


  33. Not sure what to say about this post... it's kinda pointless. Who really cares. The most telling point of Pablo's argument is in the comment section when he refers to Obamacare as a Conservative policy in 2009? Living in New Jersey, most of my friends are Progressive, Liberal Democrats, and this is the same argument they use...

