Monday, May 6, 2013

What's your Battle Plan if the Kids want to Move Back?

As Rachel Zahn's three children were growing up, she liked to warn them, half jokingly, not to overstay their welcome. "Checkout time at this hotel is age 18," the 56-year-old nonprofit director would tell them. 
It hasn't worked out that way. A year and a half ago, Ms. Zahn's oldest son, Sam, 25, asked if he could move back to the family's home in Solana Beach, Calif.—near San Diego—with his girlfriend in tow. He wanted to save money when attending graduate school while his girlfriend worked full-time. Ms. Zahn and her husband agreed. Sam and his girlfriend moved into his old bedroom.
The Zahns are not alone and this kindness, doesn't come cheap:
Financial advisers say hosting an adult age child back at home can cost between $8,000 a year to $18,000 a year, depending on how much parents are shelling out for extras like travel and entertainment.
There are some ways to ease the financial burden as well as keep your sanity:

1. Make Them Pay...
2. Set a Time Limit...
3. Make Them Work...
4. Think Before You Cosign...
5. When They Won't Leave...

The article goes in much more detail. Read the full article HERE.

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  1. Well that is certainly something I could never do--allow my son and a girlfriend to have sex in my house on a regular basis while I support them. Can't see it, but since everyone thinks it's a-okay I guess I am a fuddy-duddy!

    My college student daughters--ages 20 & 24, live with us, and I'm glad because they are so integral to their little sister's life--she needs them. But that can't go on forever.


  2. He and his girlfriend moved in and she had a fulltime job? They wanted to save money because he was finishing graduate school? Then the money they save was on rent and utilities. They STILL have to pay for their fair share of the groceries, utilties, and pay rent (if they are mine). Sorry, I do NOT support their entertainment and travel. I WILL NOT support drinking or smoking habits, nor movies, nights out or anything else of that nature. If they want to save money, that does NOT mean I will pick up the tab for their "extras", nor will my nights out become "family" nights out. My rules are simple. It is MY house, MY rules apply. You WILL pay your portion of food, utilities, and upkeep. You WILL do your own darn laundry, keep your area clean, and help keep common areas clean.If your "significant other" has a problem with me, it's their problem, not mine. If they don't like it, you can leave. If you refuse to carry your share, you will be booted. You have a specific time to get your poop together, and at that time, ready or not, you are out. If I have a problem with you, you will either make that problem vanish or you can leave, immediately if not sooner. Don't start none, won't be none. If you don't like my apples, don't sit under my tree.

  3. I am with you, Martha, no unmarried sex in my house. I haven't had to face this question, although I have siblings who have had some real challenges with their married children. It helps that my college age son and daughter have served/are serving missions for our church. They really mature so much and are so independent minded that they hopefully will get along all right. My daughter chose to attend my husband's alma mater where she had a four year presidential scholarship rather than going ivy league, because even with scholarships it still would have been hard on the family budget. My daughter is so thrifty my husband and I have to threaten bleach accidents to try to get her to buy new clothes. She hates shopping and is majoring in engineering. She should get by okay, I hope.

    I can't believe how my brother, who is working himself into an early grave, is expected to help his daughter and her family, but somehow his daughter can afford dining out and designer diapers for the kids. Her husband is 30 years old, still trying to finish his bachelor's degree, if he can get off academic probation. I suppose they are more productive than some people, but I think a little more thrift and less expensive entertainment would show real gratitude for the assistance.

    I would love to see a little real gratitude shown by the current WH inhabitants. Maybe they could fly together on the same plane, take only two vacations a year, and reduce singer of the partying at taxpayer expense. Or maybe vacation in the USA because many Americans can't afford to travel to other countries. Just sayin'.


  4. Some not singer. Stupid phone.

