Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Op-ed: The truth the politically correct on both sides of the aisle will NOT say

The truth the politically correct on both sides of the aisle will NOT say
By: Diane Sori

Seething puts it mildly, so mildly in fact that I must temper my words carefully or I will get that infamous 'knock on my door' for if I hear Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Eric Holder, John 'Swiftboat Kerry, or any in that bunch of liars and traitors who are part of this miserable administration say they fear retaliation against muslims in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings, I will scream...or better yet...hit something.

And it started this past Monday when Attorney General Eric 'Fast & Furious' Holder said, while speaking before the Anti-Defamation League, that the Justice Department is on the lookout for acts of violence or discrimination that signal a backlash against muslims, because the 'alleged' Boston bombers appear to be muslim.

Appear to be...NO appear to be about it, these bast*rds were indeed muslim and we Americans need NOT fear saying it.

And then Holder had the audacity to issue a warning to we warn 'We the People' who are at the receiving end of these barbaric acts done by these barbarians...that we dare NOT discriminate against those very ones out to kill us.

I absolutely cannot stand it anymore and will now say the very things others fear saying.

While America's issues and problems with muslims goes back over two centuries to the days of the Barbary Pirates,* we need to understand the current 'muslim problem' America has...a 'muslim problem' that really NEVER was a problem here at home until muslims declared war on America on September 11, 2001. Remember, until Barack HUSSEIN Obama opened the immigration flood gates to his brethren there wasn't enough of them living here to cause any major problems.

Now remember that as the buildings fell killing over 3000 people, mostly Americans, muslims danced with joy in the streets of Dearborne Michigan, Los Angeles California, Newark New Jersey, and in other cities across America...and of course around the world, especially in countries where the hijackers were deemed heroes in the war of jihad against we infidels.

Deemed heroes that muslim children were and still are taught in school and at home to honor and emulate...deemed heroes to two muslim brothers from Chechnya.

And so the next generation of jihadists is born, and Obama and crew welcomes them to our shores.

But what of the muslims who were already here when 9/11 happened...well those who were NOT celebrating American deaths remained silent...NO unified loud, clear, and strong condemnation of the hijackers...NO voices joining together saying that is NOT us...that is NOT islam.

Remember how even then our government was afraid to step on muslim we pandered to them, made excuses for them, as the new 'politically correct' words of the day became 'radical islam did it'...NOT muslims did it...NOT islam did it.

And so from those politically correct words today's 'muslim problem' began for the reality is that if you do NOT condemn the actions of the few then you condone those said actions...and you become as guilty as if you did the actions yourself.

Now of course to be honest there were a few who spoke out, but their numbers were so small as to be drowned out by the silence of the majority...and remain so even to this day.

Now lets fast forward to April 15, 2013 as the streets of Boston shook as two explosive devices turned Patriots Day into a nightmare NEVER to be forgotten. A nightmare done by two muslim immigrant brothers hell bent on upholding the tenets of the qur'an, the so-called holy book of the so-called islamic faith.

islam, the political system, or cult if you will, hiding behind the guise of calling itself a religion, and its vile qur'an that has 164 verses COMMANDING its followers to kill we infidels...that qur'an....that call to jihad on that fateful day was done by muslims and muslims alone obeying the words laid down in the qur'an.

These two muslims brothers lived their lives by the words of the qur'an with its call to jihad against all who don't submit to the very political system that entwines its tentacles around you, squeezing the very life out of you with its sharia law, honor killings, stonings, child marriages, burka garbage bag tombs for women, and lifting ones butt in the air five times a day in supposed prayer...even blocking major intersections in New York City as it's liberal turncoat mayor joins our president in appeasing those who caused such pain almost 12 years ago....who caused such pain 2 short weeks ago.

And in yesterday's televised press conference Barack HUSSEIN Obama, our muslim-in-chief, had the unmitigated gall to lump the Boston bombings in with the Virginia Tech Massacre and the Sandy Hook Massacre...trying to take the blame and focus off his muslim brethren by trying to declare the bombings an act of domestic terrorism.

Sorry but this time it just isn't going to work for after 9/11, for after Benghazi, and now for after Boston, we know who the enemy is and it's's's those like Barack HUSSEIN Obama, John Kerry, Eric Holder, Chuck Hagel, John Brennan...and lets NOT forget Hillary Clinton...those very people who worry about a backlash against our enemy instead of worrying about the death and carnage the enemy has visited upon Americans.

And political correctness be damned.

* Click on the link below and read an informative article from The Examiner on America's battle with muslims during the early years of our nation:

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1 comment:

  1. Political correctness be damned?

    Truth be damned in your post. Some of what you say is just plain false.

    We have millions of Muslims living here who pose no threat whatsoever. It doesn't fit your worldview that they can be decent people, and I find that disgusting.

    Muslims are NOT the enemy, radical Islam is the enemy. If you can't distinguish between the two, then you just don't want to for reasons of your own.

    99% of terrorists are Muslim. We need to do a much better job of watching and finding the ones who are radicalized and pose a threat. Obama clearly doesn't want to do that, and we are now in much more danger than ever before, IMO.

    They all make me angry, too Diane. But your attitude and answer are not it.

