Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Op-ed: Even hell is too good for some monsters

Even hell is too good for some monsters 
By: Diane Sori

The monsters amongst us deserve to spend eternity in hell, for the crimes they commit are so heinous that hell is simply the place where they should be...and Dr. Kermit Gosnell is one such monster.

Found guilty on three of the four first-degree murder charges levied against him, Gosnell, coward that he is, is now begging for his life...begging for a plea bargain...as in life without the possibility of parole.

Sorry but the same verdict the Monster gave those sweet babies is the only verdict such a monster deserves...DEATH.

The Monster is afraid to die but NOT afraid to MURDER babies...living breathing babies who had the misfortune of being in the wombs of mothers who are monsters in their own right...for they willingly gave permission for Gosnell to MURDER their babies.

In January 14, 2011, the Monster was charged with 263 crimes, including first-degree MURDER in the deaths of four babies...babies who survived the barbaric procedure called 'late-term abortion'...babies he then MURDERED by snipping their spinal cords with scissors.

Snipping the spinal cords of babies who were ALIVE...oh dear God the pain those babies must have felt as the life drained out of them...and then to be tossed into the garbage...NO...even hell might be too good a place for the Monster.

Gosnell's lawyers claiming that a drug was injected into the mother's uterus to stop the baby's hearts before they were actually aborted (saying this is standard procedure as per abortion guidelines) brings to light the simple fact that the Monster was paid to MURDER babies...paid to MURDER for late-term abortion is legal under this administration.

And how I wish the media would stop portraying the mothers who allowed their babies to be MURDERED to be thought of as victims, because victims are at the receiving end of a crime NOT the willing participants in said crime. These mothers willingly gave the Monster permission to MURDER their babies...NO one twisted their arms...NO one made them do it...of their own free will they did the unthinkable for mothers are supposed to protect their children at all costs NOT aid in their MURDER.

The Scarlet Letter 'A' of years past now becomes a Scarlet Letter 'M'...'M' for murder...a letter that will be branded upon the hearts of those mothers who willingly allowed the Monster to work his evil upon their sweet innocent babies.

Didn't these mothers ever hear of or consider the word 'adoption'...guess they were too selfish...too caught up in their own little me, me, me world to even let that word enter their consciousness.

And after the jury found Gosnell guilty on three counts of first-degree MURDER they acquitted him of one first-degree murder charge involving an aborted fetus, and also acquitted him of third-degree murder in the death of a patient during an abortion but found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter in that case.

It should have been a conviction on all four but at least three babies were vindicated with the ruling.

As for the lesser charges he faced, the Monster was found NOT guilty of 16 out of 227 counts of violating a Pennsylvania law requiring doctors to wait at least 24 hours before performing an abortion after first consulting with a patient. However, Gosnell was found guilty of 21 out of 24 counts of performing an abortion at 24 weeks or later in a pregnancy.

And while this case was for the most part hushed up by the left-leaning main-stream media, both sides of the abortion issue were very vocal. Those opposing abortion said it showed the true horrific nature of abortion (horrific puts it mildly), while abortion rights proponents claimed that Gosnell's dirty unsanitary practice brought to light what poor desperate women could face if Roe v Wade is overturned and abortion is driven underground.
After the verdict the infamous Planned Parenthood chimed in with spokesman Eric Ferrero saying, "This verdict will ensure that no woman is victimized by Kermit Gosnell ever again...This case has made clear that we must have and enforce laws that protect access to safe and legal abortion, and we must reject misguided laws that would limit women's options and force them to seek treatment from criminals like Kermit Gosnell."

Empty words…callus words…for NO mention of the babies MURDERED just more rhetoric supporting abortion…supporting it at any stage in a pregnancy…any stage…including at the stage we call ‘late-term abortion.’

And as usual, the left brought the race card into the mix. bloviating that the guilty verdict handed down was because Gosnell is black and most of his patients were poor minority women.

Sorry, but the race card doesn’t cut it as infanticide is blind to race and color but NOT blind to the MURDERING of the most helpless among us…babies surviving botched late term abortions at the hands of monsters like Gosnell…babies fighting for their lives…but babies predestined to death by mothers who consider the human life they once carried and so cavalierly threw away as NOTHING but refuse to be thrown into a garbage pail by a Monster carrying scissors.

NO…in a perfect world death is too kind for the Monster but death it must be for the cries of the babies he MURDERED must be heard over his desperate pleas for his own life…and let the mothers who allowed this to happen to their babies hang their heads in shame for the rest of their own miserable lives.
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