Saturday, May 4, 2013

Op-ed: The drama that is Benghazi continues

The drama that is Benghazi continues
By: Diane Sori 

The Benghazi whistleblowers will be talking to Congress next week, and what they have to say I'm sure will NOT make Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Hillary Clinton happy campers. The cover-ups and lies told by this administration in regards to Benghazi is just mind-boggling and yet NOT one member of Congress has had the guts and fortitude to demand that the key players responsible for the criminally negligent deaths of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, be arrested for treason, murder, and crimes against America.

And on what grounds...on the grounds that Barack HUSSEIN Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew damn well that the security group, The February 17th Martyrs Brigade, that the State Department hired to guard our diplomatic personnel at the Embassy compound in Benghazi had ties to and sympathies with the terrorist group al-Qaeda....the same al-Qaeda that caused buildings to fall on a fateful day almost 12 years ago.
Not only did the Brigade have ties to al-Qaeda but they were NOT shy about proclaiming them. In fact, in clear view for all to see, and don't tell me that NO one in the State Department saw the Brigade's very public posting of an al-Qaeda flag on their Facebook page along with posts and comments openly professing sympathy for the hardline islamist extremist tied to al-Qaeda group Ansar al-Sharia. This is the very group that's widely blamed for the actual attack on the compound, and if the State Department dares to claim that they didn't know this then they're lying through their teeth. 
Lying through their teeth...something this administration and all connected to it do best. 
So it shouldn't be surprising to anyone that the Brigade, once regarded as one of the more capable militia groups in Eastern Libya, NOT only did NOT sound a warning when they knew an attack was imminent, but that they actually fled the compound leaving Ambassador Stevens and the Embassy personnel unprotected and basically on their own.  On their own...paramount to jihad against Americans without having to lift a finger...jihad in support of the Ansar al-Sharia compound attackers...jihad in support of murdering Americans.
And Barack HUSSEIN Obama watched this all unfold from the safety of the White House, and told US military in the area to 'stand down' and NOT try to help those in harm's way. 

But the audacity in all this is that Obama's State Department, under the stewardship of Hillary Clinton, had the unmitigated gall to knowingly put islamic terrorist supporters in charge of the safety of America diplomatic personnel...more than enough grounds for an arrest for treason I would say. 

And questions remain unanswered as to why American military personnel or American civilian personnel weren't guarding an American Embassy compound...questions as to why did the Obama administration 'hire' the enemy, yes the enemy, to guard our diplomatic team. 

Sadly, I can see only one answer...the February 17th Martyr Brigade was hired to 'guard' Obama's secret of weapons smuggling, after all they're his brethren, and told to look away and do NOTHING  if and when that secret might be exposed or an attack was imminent. 

Ever since Benghazi first happened I have said, and said repeatedly, that I believed Ambassador Stevens found out that the Obama administration was smuggling guns and weapons to the rebels in Syria through Libya, and more than ever I stand by that belief as Secretary of State Chuck 'muslim sympathizer' Hagel a few days ago said that Obama is now considering arming the rebels...arming the rebels outwardly to cover for his arming of them all along...arming rebels with ties to al-Qaeda, and I believe Ambassador Stevens was going to publicly call Obama to task for it.

So maybe next week the whistleblowers will answer the questions and set to truth all the lies told by Obama and crew, especially since an interim report issued by House Republicans cited 'numerous reports' that 'the Brigade had extremist connections, and it had been implicated in the kidnapping of American citizens as well as in the threats against U.S. military assets.'

And with the word Benghazi actually meaning 'city of holy warriors' maybe these whistleblowers will be the holy warriors that avenge the murders of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty.
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