Thursday, May 16, 2013

Op-ed: The Benghazi Obama hoped for panacea that isn't

The Benghazi Obama hoped for panacea that isn't  
By: Diane Sori

Oh whoopee-do...under intense pressure from Republicans to answer charges that the Obama administration covered up details of the night of September 11, 2012, out of the thousands of pages of e-mails and communiques concerning Benghazi, the White House 'suddenly' decided to release about 100 pages of 'repetitive' internal e-mails concerning their response, or lack thereof, to the horrific events of that night.

In what amounts to throwing Republicans a bone, Obama and crew thinks a Benghazi 'document dump' (including communiques with pertinent information and names redacted) of a mere 100 or so pages will placate his critics, and will make Benghazi and the Republicans go away.

Guess won't...even though AG Eric 'Fast & Furious' Holder again said today that he will NOT appoint a special prosecutor to get to the truth about Benghazi..hell, this administration doesn't want the truth about anything getting out now does it.

And so this White House tried for months to keep these e-mails and communiques secret because they knew they would show how the CIA report was and over as to what would be told to the public about that night and what wouldn't be in what must stay hidden at all costs.

In fact, those who have seen the e-mails say they speak volumes about what has always been suspected...that in the days after the Benghazi attack when State Department officials met with Obama administration officials at the White House, that the Obama officials crossed out sections of the original CIA report, a report that was supposed to be made public but wasn't. The report that was released reflected a removal of any mention of terrorism, and any mention of the name of the islamic militant group Ansar al Sharia, an al Qaeda-linked group whose members the CIA said were involved in the attack.

The earlier pre-changed versions of the report, as witnessed by the e-mails, also spoke of prior attacks against western targets in Benghazi, as well as intelligence warnings by the CIA up until the day before the attack, but these were also missing from the final report as was reference to the fact that a day before the attack radicals in Cairo had called for a demonstration in front of the US embassy "encouraging jihadists to break into the Embassy."

The final report was truly unrecognizable from the original CIA report, and this unrecognizable report became the 'talking points' Susan Rice used when she went on the Sunday talk-show circuit, where her bloviations and lies dared NOT speak the truth about Obama's possible involvement in Benghazi.

And isn't it odd that CIA Deputy Director Mike Morrell signed off on the final report (even though then-CIA Director David Petraeus objected to the final watered-down version) knowing that it was all a lie thus putting his career on the line, and for protect a miserable excuse of a president and his equally miserable administration's lie about a YouTube video being the cause of the attack.

But any and everything had to be done to protect the 'Benghazi Secret'...and you know what secret I mean...the secret about a gun and weapons running operation to Syria that Ambassador Stevens found out about...that Ambassador Stevens had to be silenced for...for the Benghazi cover-up was NEVER about a re-election campaign, and I wish those media talking heads on our side would stop trying to push that as the reason why the murder of four Americans had to be covered-up.

And to cover for that gun running secret WH Press Secretary Jay Carney outwardly lied over and over to 'We the People' that the White House and State Department made NO major changes to the 'talking points', even when State Department officials admitted the 'talking points' were changed to protect the FBI investigation and sensitive intelligence.

And the lies continued even in recent days as Carney, speaking on Obama's behalf, claimed that months ago congressional committees had already reviewed the e-mails in question, and "concluded that, in fact, there was nothing afoul in terms of the process that we had used."

LIAR for NO such conclusion was ever made by anyone on any congressional committees.

But lying is the forte of this administration...for they knew damn well that the attack had NOTHING to do with a ridiculous You-Tube video, and even these 'selectively' released e-mails prove just that.

So whether Obama likes it or NOT Benghazi is NOT going away any time soon for all these e-mails do is raise even more questions about what happened that fateful night, and even more importantly raise the question as to why it happened...and the answer to the why might very well bring down a man who should NEVER have been allowed to run for president in the first place.
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