Monday, May 13, 2013

Op-ed: Arrest NOT impeach

Arrest NOT impeach
By: Diane Sori
Benghazi…MURDER, lies, and cover-ups…and 'whistleblowes' getting demoted for speaking the truth.

Cover-ups of the first degree. In fact, Senator Inhofe (R-OK) said that Benghazi “is going to go down as most serious, most egregious cover-up in American history.”

”We may be starting to use the I-word before too long” he added.

The thing is that the I-word is already being talked about but in the case of Barack HUSSEIN Obama and Benghazi impeachment is NOT the way to go.

In order to impeach a sitting president the House of Representatives needs a simple majority vote, but to obtain a conviction in the Senate a two-thirds majority (67 votes) is needed. Unfortunately, with the current Democratic controlled Senate this is NOT likely to happen, so the Republicans are looking forward to the 2014 elections to try to take back the Senate.

But another year is too long to wait to avenge the MURDERS of Ambassador Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and ex-Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty. Too long and with NO guarantee that the Republicans will even take back control of the Senate for we all know that Obama will ‘fix’ the mid-terms with voter fraud and machine ‘irregularities’ just like he did in November.

After all, this time his neck is on the line…literally.                     

And even if he was by an outside chance impeached, impeachment gives credibility to his presidency and all his misguided policies and laws would still stay in place…something we surely do NOT want. Also, remember that once charges are brought for impeachment and they fail in the Senate, it’s over and cannot be brought back again.

The simple fact is that Barack HUSSEIN Obama can and should be arrested for treason under Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution which states, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort…”

Meaning in NO uncertain terms that the betrayal of the United States of America by consciously and purposely acting to aid her enemies is indeed grounds for treason.

And treason fits Obama to a tee for this man NOT only sends monies to our enemies (like the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas), but I believe that Barack HUSSEIN Obama was sending, without Congressional approval, guns and weapons to Syrian rebels, rebels with direct ties to al-Qaeda, got caught by Ambassador Stevens, who then had to be silenced at all costs.

Benghazi…a cleverly crafted plan that used the fortunately timed release of a ridiculous YouTube video as an opportunistic point of blame and for a time…for eight long months…the masses bought into it as the media covered for him…spreading his lies and covering-up the truth.

I’ll even go one step further and speak of a nagging feeling deep inside that Barack HUSSEIN Obama might have set-up the entire Benghazi attack to cover his butt, because if caught for illegal gun and weapons smuggling that would indeed be grounds for immediate impeachment and arrest. 

And could it be even worse than that for dare I say it…I dare…but could Obama himself have been behind the video…could he have ordered it made for he knew he’d need a cover story...something he could blame if all hell broke loose…NOTHING would surprise me with this miserable excuse of a man.
A video to blame, that is until the ‘whistleblowers' came forward with the truth and threw a wrench into Obama’s cleverly crafted cover-up story…a cover-up that Hillary Clinton knew about…was part of…and of her own free will went along with.

So my friends, impeachment is but a slap on the wrist and won’t do for Barack HUSSEIN Obama or for Hillary Clinton for that matter. Arrest, try, convict, and sentence carried out for treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, murder, and crimes against America is the way to go.

And along with Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution there is a possibly that the military could arrest Obama and bring him before a military tribunal. A military tribunal is a military court designed to try members of enemy forces during times of war. A definitive case can be made that Barack HUSSEIN Obama, by his actions or should I say deliberate lack of actions in regards to Benghazi, is a member of our enemy’s forces.

And it’s also appropriate to subject a private citizen to a military tribunal if that person is being tried for treason, which would be the case with Hillary Clinton…a now private citizen who knew of the gun-running…who covered it up…and who lied about it all thus aiding and abetting the enemy.

Charges of treason against Barack HUSSEIN Obama can come in my guises, just a few of which are:

  • In 2009 when Obama accepting a foreign title and office while President without consulting Congress, he assumed the Chairmanship of the UN Security Council, the international body responsible for declaring war on behalf of the UN, thus being in violation of US Constitution Article I, Section 9.
  • Benghazi.
  • Surrendering sovereign US war-making to foreign powers and international authorities by attacking Libya without consulting Congress, in violation of US Constitution Article 1, Section 8 (the War Powers clause) and U.S. Code Title 50, Chapter 33:1541-1548.
  • Benghazi.
  • His consistent and blatant pandering to America’s sworn enemies in the muslim world is treason, the definition of which according to the US Constitution, is the aiding and abetting of America’s enemies. Remember, he is supplying arms, including F-16 fighter jets and Abrams tanks, to Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood controlled government and sends millions to Hamas and Hezzbolah (terrorist groups with ties to al-Qaeda).
  • Benghazi.
  • Adhering to the enemies of the United States, giving them aid and comfort, as witnessed by consorting with, supporting, and installing to powerful Federal positions persons who in writing, word and deed have called for and promoted the overthrow of America’s constitutionally guaranteed Republic form of government, and the overthrow of the United States Constitution; including but not limited to William Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, Cass Sunstein, John Holdren, Van Jones, Dalia Mogahed, Harold Koh, and Eric Holder, in violation of US Constitution, Article III, Section IV and U.S. Penal Code, Section 2385.
  • Benghazi.
  • Broke a law that he himself pushed and helped to pass as a Senator that provides protection for Inspector-Generals who do their jobs by investigating corruption, waste, and fraud in the federal government…as in why was there NO protection for the 'whistleblowers' as demotions were immediately placed against them for speaking out.
  • Benghazi.
  • Refusing to secure our borders from illegal alien invasion, international criminal incursion, and terrorist cadre penetration, in violation of U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 3 and Article IV, Section 4.
  • Benghazi.
The list of crimes against America this man has committed is endless. And with this current Congress sitting back and doing NOTHING…with this Congress deliberately looking away at what Barack HUSSEIN Obama has done are they actually accessories to treason…just something to think about…just something to consider…just something that must be dealt with now and NOT in 2014…for by then the media will have locked its protective arms around their ‘savior’ even more than they already have. 

NO…Benghazi must NOT be swept under the rug like Fast & Furious was…Benghazi must be the end of the road for this man and his miserable administration, because if it’s NOT the ‘blood on their hands’ might very will spread to the streets of America.
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  1. Diane, I appreciate your passion and I share in it! But you are so over the top sometimes that I can't take you seriously. Obama arranged for the video to be produced, huh? Ha ha ha!

    Wouldn't it be lovely, though, if Obama really could be held accountable for everything he has done. But it won't happen in my lifetime.

    The press flirted with becoming credible again, over the past few days, but don't worry, in a day or two they will be back to being good little soldiers.


  2. I never said he created it...I said what if he was behind it...BIG difference. And we know he used it to cover his butt. And honestly, I really don't care if you take me seriously or NOT. BTW, many have said they put NOTHING passed him.
