Wednesday, May 8, 2013

New Hampshire Democratic Party Freaking Out over possible Scott Brown Senate bid

Former Sen Scott Brown (R-MA) was asked a montn ago if he would make a run for the New Hampshire U.S. Senate Seat currently held by Jeanne Shaheen. He said he wouldn't rule it out. The other day, he was asked again:
"I don't think I need to make any decisions right now, really," he said when asked about his future political plans, according to the New Hampshire Union-Leader. 
"I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do, to be honest with you."
Lo and behold, The NH Democratic Party freaks out going as far as to create an ad for the undeclared Brown:

Brown has family in NH and has owned a second home there for about 20 years. To qualify there, all he need do is register to vote.

As to WHO is 'Desperate', I vote the New Hampshire Democratic Party....then again, You Decide.

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  1. Nobody is trashing the middle class as much as Obama and the Democrat Party.

  2. In my opinion Scott Brown in a very short time proved he was not a conservative... just like our Senators McCain and Flake these guys should be run out of our party... it didn't take long for Brown to become a political hack...
