Thursday, May 2, 2013

Mitt Romney's Speech at Southern Virginia University's Commencement (Full Speech 04-27-13)

Southern Virginia University’s 145th commencement exercises were its largest ever as more than 1,800 people gathered on Saturday to commemorate the academic achievements of 125 graduating seniors. 
With clear skies above, the audience congregated in front of the university’s historic Main Hall to take part in the academic ceremony, highlighted by an address from Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts and two-time presidential candidate.
In only his second public speech since the 2012 election in which he received nearly 61 million votes for president, Romney addressed graduates, faculty, staff, students and friends of Southern Virginia—the only liberal arts college for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. An active member of the LDS Church himself, Romney told graduates that they could each “live an eminently successful, abundant life.”
Read the rest HERE and listen to the speech below:

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  1. I'm glad you posted this, Bosman, I read the article from the Deseret News the other day. Great words of wisdom and advice that do not ring hollow (like the current WH occupant) because Romney lives what he preaches.

    He has so much to offer, it's a terrible waste that he is not where we need him the most.


  2. To think America had a chance to elect this man...INSTEAD, we get the incompetent, socialist LOSER! Thanks a lot to the SHITHEADS who call themselves Conservative or Republican who stayed home and didn't vote or voted 3rd Party.

  3. I think there are too many people who believe that being rich and making your own money makes you a selfish and a bad person. Inheriting money (like the Kennedys) is not only okay but makes you a true defender of the poor. Our world is topsy turvey over a lot of things, including this one. Some people wouldn't vote for Obama but couldn't vote for such an "robber baron" like Mitt because they don't think you can make money like that without stealing from the poor. Living off the gov't is okay, though.


  4. " Living off the gov't is okay"

    And they're TO STUPID to rationalize the fact that somebody is working and paying taxes to put the free stuff there and that SOME RICH GUY made that job possible.

  5. Yes, it is a shame that some were too lazy to vote, by Romney/Ryan deserve some blame to failing to run a coherant enough campaign to excite the voters enough to vote.

  6. I absolutely loved listening to this. A side-by-side comparison of their voices would end with more votes for Romney for sure! I cannot listen to President Obama for more than five minutes straight. But a President Romney... oh, how would it be? Immensely better than what we have today in every way.


  7. Ohio,

    It's sad state of affairs that Romney/Ryan--two of the most decent and qualified men to ever run, could not 'excite' voters!

    Their campaign was infinitely coherent, but I guess Obama's ad implying sex with him by the Dunham girl is what people want in a campaign! Heaven help us if that's what it takes to win an election!


  8. It demonstrates the moral and MENTAL decay of modern America.

    If Ryan and Romney and their spouses had participated in one of those date swapping reality type shows that garner millions of viewers, perhaps they could have reached more and RELATED better.

  9. Bosman, haha. We don't even know how close to the truth you are on that.

    And you rightly point out that it is a mental as well as moral decline. It's hard to figure how we can possibly stop that train wreck.


  10. On balance they were decent men, but they could not campaign well and that has nothing to do with wife swapping or the like.

  11. Yup, Romney was "one of the most qualified candidates ever", if you do NOT include among those qualifications the candidate's ability to CONNECT with a majority of voters.

    Other than that minor little detail, Romney was a GREAT candidate, no doubt about it.


  12. It had less to do with Romney connecting and more to do with the media ignoring his message.

    How do you connect and get your message out there when there are no media outlets (other than Fox, OCCASIONALLY) that actually cover the message?

    It would have taken at least a Billion ALONE in advertising to overcome something like that that O'Maggot was getting for free.

    And While we're at it, what the hell does this have to do with the Republicans who stayed home? They needed to be wined & Dined. Obama PART 2 wasn't enough to get them off their ass?

  13. "How do you connect and get your message out there when there are no media outlets " It is called TV advertisement! Remember? The problem with the Romney camp is that they forgot what won them the primary. So what if Mr. Romney had a better ground game in some swing states, it means jack crap if you run crappy or non-existent TV ads. How do you think Mr. Bush beat Mr. Kerry? He match him tic for tac in TV ads.

  14. BOSMAN -

    The State Run Media ALWAYS ignores the message of Republican candidates, but they still find a way to win once in a while - see Bush 43, Bush 41, Reagan, etc... - because Democrats OVERPLAY THEIR HAND by nominating extremely liberal and/or extremely unqualified candidates such as Kerry, Gore, Dukakis, Mondale, Carter, and yes, Barack Obama.

    Romney brought Obama's deficiencies to the attention of voters during the first debate, then soared to a 7-point lead in the Gallup poll.

    But he failed to do that in the second & third debates, and as a result, lost the election.

    The State Run Media is a HUGE obstacle for Republican candidates, but it's NOT an impossible obstacle to overcome, when given the opportunity.

    And make no mistake about it, 2012 was a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for Republicans, but Romney simply failed to take advantage of it.

  15. "2012 was a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY for Republicans, but Romney simply failed to take advantage of it." Ironically, I would not put all the blame on Mr. Romney. Perhaps, Mr. Ryan is more to blame, talk about a miss opportunity, Mr. Ryan is that disappointing man.

  16. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - if Romney had selected an intelligent, articulate, attractive, qualified female like Nikki Haley or Michele Bachmann as his running mate, he would've won by a landslide.

  17. Newark, I don't know what planet you are on sometimes! Michelle Bachmann is somewhat of a laughing stock. Good heavens, there could not have been a worse VP pick, other than maybe Allen West or Herman Cain.

    Nikki Haley is not solid enough. She would not have held up over the course of the campaign.

    There simply was not a good female choice, other than Condi, and that would have outraged conservatives.

    It is also foolish to think that we could have gained support from women vote with a female VP. That is a pipe dream.


  18. Newark is so predictable, I don't even feel it's worthwhile to argue with him any more. All of his v.p. suggestions are totally stupid and would not have accomplished what he thinks they would. Dumb idea.

