Monday, May 6, 2013

Immigration Bill gives legal status to 57 Million (and no, It's not a typo)

An analysis of future immigration flow released Friday by Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions shows that more than 32 million immigrants would receive legal status over the next decade and an additional 25 million would be granted non-immigrant work visas under the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill.
According to the analysis presented by the senator, the high immigration estimate derived from visa program proposals in a revised 867-page bill crafted by a bipartisan group of eight senators shows that the bill would vastly increase the level of future “low-skill” immigration.
“[O]ver the first decade, the total number [of legal status] granted will be well over 32 million (not taking into account chain migration from increased legal flow),” the analysis reads. “Adding in all the various categories of nonimmigrant work visas, the number climbs to more than 57 million.” 
The 57 million estimate includes the 11.1 million illegal immigrants already in the country, who would receive legal status under the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill.
Read the full story HERE.

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  1. As we speak, illegal border crossings have increased 3-fold in anticipation of this thing passing.

  2. If Hispanics voted mostly for Republican instead of Democrat candidates, security at our southern border would be tighter than Fort Knox, and there would be southbound bullet trains throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California carrying them back across the border.
