Friday, May 3, 2013

Gang of Eight Immigration Bill does little to curb visa overstays

While the Senate immigration bill devotes hundreds of pages to immigrants who enter the U.S. illegally over the Southwest border, it pays little attention to another but equally persistent problem: those who enter legally but never leave. In Washington and in the immigration business they're known as visa overstays. 
An estimated 40 percent of the 11 million to 20 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. came here legally, but stayed after their visa expired. Yet, the Obama administration has made little or no attempt to track or deport visa overstays. 
Former 9/11 Commission member and Senate Judiciary staffer Janice Kephart says lawmakers and the Obama administration are making a mistake if they overlook overstays. 
"Exit means you have a tracking system for people, a tracking system for people means that ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) now has data to enforce the law against overstays. We don't have that," she says. 
But one country does – Australia. Tourists traveling there have their passports scanned when they enter and when they leave, as well. 
The proposed U.S. Senate bill envisions a similar entry-exit system at airports and seaports within five years. The proposal doesn't address the ports of entry on the Mexican border. Backers of the bill say it is not ideal, but better than what the country has now. (emphasis mine)
Read the full story HERE.

'envisions'....'not ideal'......'doesn't address the ports of entry on the Mexican border'........'better than what the country has now' ...What the hell does that mean?

Is this a bill supposed to FIX OUR IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS or just put a BIG BAND-AID on them?

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1 comment:

  1. Bosman,
    Have you covered the latest news on Benghazigate? FOX NEWS had some pretty good info yesterday. I'm not sure this link will work - but, if it does, this story is worthy of the front page.
