Wednesday, May 8, 2013

California: Reading and Writing and Condoms

Middle-school California kids, now you can be as sexually profligate as you want to be--and your parents don’t even have to know about it! The California Condom Access Project, run by the California Health Council, which is making condoms available for kids as young as 12 in an online, taxpayer-funded condom delivery service, has expanded their service to include San Diego and Fresno counties. 
But it gets better if you keep secrets from your parents. If you visit this website, as many as 10 free condoms can be delivered in confidential packaging, along with lubricant and educational materials. And in California, teens don’t need parental consent to buy contraceptives.
Read the rest HERE.

Now I guess mothers will be yelling in the morning to their 12 year olds as they go off to school in the morning, "Honey, don't forget your books...oh, and don't forget your rubbers".

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  1. Bosman, are you determined to depress me every single day?

    Seriously, I appreciate you bringing so much content to RS every day. Just wish it was a better world to report on!


  2. hahaha...It's an OBAMAnation!

  3. Whose care are these 12 year old's in when they are unattended enough to engage in these activities??? Is this what they are doing at school? Or like dogs out in the yard? Let me guess, during half time at the ball game while the coach isn't looking? Where are the parents and teachers? Are that many children raising themselves like animals left to fend for themselves? Something is very wrong with this...

  4. Who did your clip art? If this is a for real package we would like to know.
