Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) interview on CBN's 'The Brody File' (Full Interview 04-04-13)

A close look at Sen. Rand Paul. What makes him tick?

An in-depth look at his views on faith, war, marriage, abortion, State of the Republican Party and much more.

Plus, an interview with his wife Kelley Paul as well:

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  1. I didn't watch it yet, but I did like his quote about spiritual revival. My husband I I were just talking about this yesterday. The problem with us is that the lack of morality in America is what is causing people to be so stupid. When you have no morals, you don't feel the light of Christ in your life, and you can't exactly think straight anymore. That is what I truly believe is wrong with America. 40 million dead babies, with no end in sight. How can we be a decent and thoughtful people if we allow that.


  2. Martha, please stop!

    You're giving Republicans a bad name by talking about abortion and religion.

    If you keep it up, women will flee the GOP in droves!

    Sound familiar?


  3. Newark,

    I never said we shouldn't talk about abortion and religion. Of course we should. But you need to be able to see the distinction between talking about it as intelligent people, or doing it the Akin and Mourdoch way--that makes us all look like knuckledraggers. (And Rush telling Flake he wants to see her have sex.)

    Do you agree?


  4. Yes, I agree that all Republican politicians need to be very careful about what they say and how they say it, regardless of the subject matter.

    Do the words "macaca", "oops" and "brainwashing" ring a bell?

    How about "I can see Russia from my house" and "There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe"?

    The State Run Media will destroy any Republican candidate who makes those type of gaffes.

    That's why I was so disappointed by the gaffes of Akin, Mourdock and Romney during the last election cycle.

    Because I knew how damaging, if not fatal, it would be to their campaigns.

    Republicans can talk about almost any issue, and do so expressing conservative values, as long as they avoid putting their foot in their mouth like Akin, Mourdock and Romney did.

  5. Ha ha, Newark, you are impossible.

    It's a real S-T-R-E-T-C-H to associate Romney with Akin or Mourdock in any way shape or form.

    Massive fail on your part.


  6. "There's no question that my 47% comment was very damaging to my campaign. It was extremely damaging. Of course it was." ~ Mitt Romney (in recent interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News)

    You really need to get over your infatuation with Mitt Romney, Martha.

    It's not good for your marriage.

  7. Newark, charitably, I will take your last comment as a concession.


  8. Take it anyway you want to, if that makes you feel better.

  9. Newark, it doesn't. but it is funny.

    It's pathetic that you can't think of anything else to write than to accuse me of being infatuated and having a bad marriage. It says a lot more about you than me.

    Oh well. I wish you better luck tomorrow.

