Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sen Marco Rubio (R-FL)on Restricting student Visas: 'Student Visas are not a Right'

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) on Wednesday said that he was “open” to considering the idea of halting all student visas from Muslim countries as a reaction to this month’s Boston Marathon bombings. 
Earlier this week, Fox News host Bob Beckel first suggested that there should be a two-year suspension of 75,000 student visas from Muslim countries, even though the two men suspected of carrying out the Boston bombings emigrated from Russia as refugees. 
“I think we really have to consider, given the fact so many people hate us, that we’re going to have to cut off Muslim students coming to this country for some period of time so that we can absorb what we’ve got and look at what we’ve got and decide whether some of the people here should be going — be sent home or sent to prison,” Beckel opined.
Read the rest HERE and listen to Rubio's comments below:

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  1. this is not an ideological battle of left vs right, GOP vs Dems, Socialism vs liberty. This is ethnic warfare against white people.

    Why do hostile globalist elite defend Israel as a Jewish ethnostate with Jewish only immigration, but ravage white majority Europe/North America into a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Gulag with dystopian non-White colonization?

    East Asia is 99% yellow. Africa is 90% Black. West Asia is 99% Brown. But 3rd world colonizers are annihilating Whites, just as China annihilates Tibet.

    Why do gullible Whites cuckold for murderous anti-White elite, who confiscate White people's guns, infiltrate/subvert our banks & espionage agencies, indoctrinate White kids in academia/mass media, plunder White jobs/wages, & butcher White soldiers in bankrupting wars?

    "Native" Americans are not native. They invaded from East Asia. Yellow & Brown races committed ten times more slavery, genocide, imperialism than Whites. From Greeks till today, Whites are victims of Jewish/Crypto-Jewish, Turkic, Muslim, North-African slavery, genocide, imperialism.

    Gullible Whites should reject subversive anti-White ideologies - libertarianism, feminism, liberalism, & reject hostile slanders of racism/collectivism. Love to all humanity, but White people must organize to advance their families, their fertility, their homelands, their interests. Reading list: , , ,

  2. I agree with Bekel. Probably for the first time ever.

    Keep these anti-American, anti-Christian fanatics far away from America.

  3. Evaluating what we are doing is what we should be doing with immigration. Maybe we could extend that suspension to path for citizenship for illegals until we get the border secure. Just sayin'.


  4. Btw, first anon. Most of the globalist elite I know of HATE Israel. They can't understand why with one tiny Jewish state Israel can't give up more land. Of course, most of the American Jewsi know of vote for people that hate Jews, too. Can't understand that.....

