Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Op-ed: True monsters walk amongst us

True monsters walk amongst us
By: Diane Sori
Abortion...one of the hot button issues dividing this country...dividing this country along party lines, religious lines, legal lines, and ethical lines. Abortion...made legal with Roe v. Wade and still the law of the land.  Abortion...an issue the government should NOT have gotten involved with in the first place. 

We all know the question of abortion rights ebbs and flows with the political winds, and while my personal beliefs on abortion have NOT, until this point, ever been brought forth in a public forum, seeing the photos of that 7+ month old fetus...born ALIVE and crying with newborn life and then having that life callously and deliberately brought to a brutal end...has haunted me so much that I feel compelled to speak up.

Compelled to speak up and say in NO uncertain terms that late-term abortion...abortions performed after 24 weeks gestation when a fetus is viable...is NOT abortion but is MURDER... cold, calculated, deliberate MURDER of the worst kind for it's the MURDER of the totally defenseless...the totally innocent...the totally pure...it's the murder of babies.

Coming to the forefront with the ongoing capital murder (a death penalty offense) trial of Philadelphia abortion provider Dr. Kermit Gosnell, charged in the deaths of seven babies (he claims what he did was 'fetal demise' NOT murder) and the 2009 overdose death of a 41-year-old patient who was undergoing a late-term abortion, even many of those who say they are pro-choice are appalled with what Gosnell did after seeing the photos of the babies...NO longer fetuses but what were viable living breathing babies... thrown in the trash, dismembered, skulls crushed, with their throats slashed and spinal cords snipped in two by scissors.

After seeing those photos myself, seeing those unwanted precious children reduced to refuse makes me cry and sadly realize that there truly are monsters who walk amongst us...monsters without compassion, without souls, without any humanness left in them for anyone who condones this barbaric procedure...this act of MURDER hiding behind the name 'late-term abortion'...is as guilty as those who perform this travesty for they know well that babies surviving botched abortions are living breathing precious babies fighting hard for their very lives, most of whom would survive if given proper medical care.

And what of the mothers who allow this to be done to their children...mothers who should be nurturers, mothers who should protect their children at all costs, but mothers who instead consent to this, give their permission to this...those mothers are as guilty of MURDER as the butchers who perform this procedure for those mothers could have said NO and given those babies up for adoption...given them a chance at life with families who would love them, protect them, and keep them safe from the monsters amongst us.

So for those who believe that late-term abortion is a victory for women (abortion in general is a topic for another day)...for those who believe that laws which ban late-term abortion are a violation of women's reproductive rights, then to put it bluntly you are in support of murder...the murder of children who had the misfortune of being in the wombs of women who view them as garbage to be thrown in the trash at whim.

And while it's public knowledge that our president supports late-term abortion...he even fought to keep such abortions legal before, during, and after birth and voted in support of it while he was a Senator...there are some things that are just wrong...wrong morally, wrong ethically, and wrong legally.  And if Barack HUSSEIN Obama had even an inkling of a conscience he would put a legal end to this travesty with a swipe of his pen.  He's so free with his Executive Orders, let him issue one banning late-term abortions...now that would be an Executive Order even I would get behind and support.


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  1. I wish that we could get more people--women especially--to think about not only late term abortion but all abortions. Being legal does not make something right or safe. If our society would think seriously about this subject perhaps abortions could be reduced. I hope some of these abortion rights people realize that this has gone too far.

    I agree that Gosnell is a serial killer of the worst kind. As are all abortion clinics.


  2. I'm tired of the mothers getting off the hook for the lives of these babies. It's long past time to call abortion what it really is!

    Reasonable people can not disagree anymore. Not with the advances in what we know about fetuses, and with live-saving procedures for preemies.

    Enough is enough!

