Saturday, April 13, 2013

Op-ed: 'Saving face' it worth the consequences

'Saving face' it worth the consequences
By: Diane Sori

In a show of even more incompetency coming from this White House, this past Thursday during a session of the House Armed Services Committee, Representative Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) read on the record an unclassified segment of a 'supposedly' classified report about North Korea's nuclear capabilities. This report nor any part of it was ever meant for public dissemination, but was made public due to the report erroneously being labeled as unclassified when in fact it was not.

The ghosts of Benghazi come to mind...

This report, a spy dossier titled Dynamic Threat Assessment 8099: North Korea Nuclear Weapons Program (March 2013), outlined the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) findings that it's believed that North Korea might already have a nuclear weapon small enough to be placed atop a ballistic missile...meaning it's deliverable NO matter who says what to the contrary.

And while Director of National Intelligence James Clapper played down the DIA findings, saying that "North Korea has not yet demonstrated the full range of capabilities necessary for a nuclear armed missile" he overlooks the fact, as do most, that with North Korea being as secretive as it is, and with it being shunned and isolated by the international community, we really don't know with any certainty what the rogue nation's military capabilities might or might NOT be.
And it must be remembered that last December North Korea launched a Taepodong 2 missile that put a satellite into orbit. And while the orbit appeared tenuous at best it did prove that this rogue nation does indeed have long-range missile technology, and that does NOT bode well in the face of the recent threats coming from Pyongyang against South Korea, Japan, and us.
Now add an untested, immature, bloviating man-child into the mix, one who must now shut up or put up to 'save face' in light of all his recent posturing and threats, and the situation on the Korean peninsula can NO longer be ignored or even downplayed. And with two mid-range mobile Musudan ballistic missiles having been placed and readied (meaning they're in an upright position ready for firing) in the town of Wonsan along North Korea's eastern coast, the situation has now reached a critical level.
Could this be just a game on Kim Jong-un's part to call our bluff in regards to removing the sanctions, anything is possible but this is NOT a game we or our allies can afford to lose or ignore. So while White House Press Secretary Jay Carney continues to spew Obama's line that “North Korea has not demonstrated the capability to deploy a nuclear-armed missile," we cannot allow ourselves to trust Obama or anything his people have to say, just like we could NOT and still CANNOT trust them to tell the truth in regards to what happened in Benghazi.
And with Secretary of State John 'Swiftboat' Kerry (gag) bloviating at a press conference in Seoul the Obama rhetoric that we will NOT abide a nuclear armed North Korea, this administration is doing NOTHING to stop them...just like this administration did NOTHING to help Ambassador Stevens and continues to do NOTHING of substance to stop Iran from continuing it's work on acquiring nuclear weapons.
Also, just a few days ago, North Korea lobbed new threats against Japan saying that Tokyo would, in the event of war, be the first target "if it continues to maintain its hostile posture." What North Korea considers a hostile position is that Japan said it would destroy any missile heading toward their country. Hello...what is Japan supposed to say and do...I guess according to Pyongyang just sit back and let themselves be bombed...possibly into oblivion.

And after that threat our ever-loving president said, “Now is the time for North Korea to end the belligerent approach they have taken and to try to lower temperatures," adding that he preferred to see the tensions on the peninsula resolved through diplomatic means, but added that "the United States will take all necessary steps to protect its people."

Does that mean like he protects our ally Israel's people against the very arms, weapons, F-16s, and Abrams tanks he sends to her enemies...just wondering.

So while intelligence and satellite photos show NO indication of major troop numbers amassing along the Korean border with the South, as in a preparation for war, which would have given some definitive credence to Kim Jong-un's bloviations, Monday, April 15th is the 'Day of the Sun,' the commemoration of the birth of North Korea's (actual name:Democratic People's Republic of Korea) founder Kim Il-sung, and if anything will happen, any show of power of any kind from Pyongyang, it will most certainly happen on that day.

And we need to be prepared just in case for if North Korea does dare to do anything of substance we need to be prepared to end their nonsense once and for all...and that does NOT mean slapping even more sanctions on them.

Bye-bye Kim Jong-un...the civilized world will NOT mourn your loss.

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