Saturday, April 20, 2013

Op-ed: The nightmare ends...or does it?

The nightmare ends...or does it
By: Diane Sori

It's suspect is dead, the other is in custody...the nightmare is over...or is it?

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, suspect #2 was just a 19-year old kid…a kid with his entire life ahead of him who proved NOTHING by his actions...yet he destroyed innocent lives leaving grieving families to a never ending hell…and we know who indirectly allowed this to happen by appeasing those out to kill us.

And that very man who appeases our enemies had the unmitigated gall to address the nation last night after the nightmare was over...after all it's photo-op time..and as expected he tried to deflect blame away from his brethren as a whole.

America has changed, make NO mistake about it, and that change started on September 11, 2001 when planes turned into missiles.

Our feelings of safety, of security, of feeling that we're NOT part of the nasty happenings far far away...those feelings came crashing down as we watched buildings fall, people dying, and muslims dancing in celebration in the streets in nations we used to give NO serious thought to.

Say what you will about George W. Bush but that man kept us safe here at home.

Now enter center stage the presidency of Barack HUSSEIN Obama and that change has become a nightmare...mass killings...children slaughtered...racial hatred reborn...and appeasing the enemy...appeasing, bowing down to, and catering to those out to kill us.

And on a beautiful Monday afternoon while Bostonians were out and about enjoying the festivities of Patriots Day, suddenly and without warning hell became reality as two makeshift bombs went off killing three and maiming over 170 others.

Legs blown off...bodies maimed...children riddled with nails and shrapnel...the smell of blood and burning flesh...sounds like a scenario from 'over there' in those far away places...a scenario NEVER supposed to happen in our country...after all our president is supposed to keep us safe...yet this president has done NOTHING to keep us safe...has done NOTHING but placate and make excuses for those out to kill us.

The bombers are muslim...from Chechnya, a country broken away from Russia but muslim nevertheless...a country of non-Arab muslims with connections to al Qaeda.

And even now our president does NOT speak out against the muslims, instead trying to shift blame away from this group of people. But it was muslims who did this...muslim terrorists...jihadists from lands far away living in our country...turning on our country, our country that welcomed them...and for what and why...why...because they are indoctrinated to kill us driven ever forward by their belief that if you don’t submit to islam then you’re an infidel and must die.

So I will say out loud for all to hear what Barack HUSSEIN Obama will NOT...the Boston bombers are muslim terrorists...jihadists...killers. Their nationality per se is NOT important...their islamic beliefs and there islamic goals are what's important, for they committed jihad on American soil...and yet our president remains eerily silent to that effect. 
And if you refuse to name the enemy, to identify them and call them by name, to call them the bast*rds they are, then this battle will NEVER be over.

And more attacks will happen on our soil...more Americans will die...more Americans will be more Americans will become numb to the creeping encroaching take over of our country by those whose only goal is to kill us.

And still our president will NOT say who did this to us...will NOT call them by name instead using the generic word 'terrorist' instead of saying 'muslim terrorists' declared war on us, because he must after all placate his brethren.

So now we face the 'what happens next' scenario.  Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured cowering under a boat tarp like the coward that he is, and it will be interesting to see what Barack HUSSEIN Obama does knowing that his muslim brethren brought the battle to our shores. 
Will a cover-up be concocted like there was with Benghazi to draw attention away from the suspect being muslim...or will this individual be declared an enemy combatant who committed an act of war so he can be turned over to a military court for a swift trial and punishment. In Obamanation probably NOT as he most likely will be thrown into the criminal justice system where justice will NOT be fair and will NOT be swift, because Obama will most likely go the way of Fort Hood and whitewash this nightmare...making it just a hop, skip, and a jump away from workplace violence in Obama-speak.

And so for now the story ends or is it really just the beginning...the beginning of the end of accepting muslim abominations on our soil as 'We the People' say in one united voice to our muslim appeasing president 'this is OUR country NOT theirs and we will NO longer abide living in fear nor will we abide another Benghazi cover-up to happen.'
Oh and by the five short days this nightmare came to an end yet many months later the nightmare of what is the truth about Benghazi continues.

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  1. "Say what you will about George W. Bush but that man kept us safe here at home."

    What? Look, I'm against Obama's agenda as much as anyone, but 9/11 happened on Bush's clock. Bush didn't keep America safe at all.

  2. 911 was the beginning of change. Bush strengthen our military in response, to protect Americans. Obama keeps destroying our military strength.

  3. it is clear obama won't continue bush war on terror. obama took the phrase out of government even. remember the "overseas contingencies" malarkey? obama covers up for jihadists like he did in the fort hood attack. proven fact that we are less secure now. in fort hood killer cried "allahu akbar" as he killed. thorough proof existed and exists of ft hood killer connections with terrorists. but obama eerily covers up for him.

  4. workplace violence? idiot poster claimed to be against obama? no, they are lying.

  5. does obama admit to his agenda? he's not transparent at all. you are NOT against obama's agenda or you'd admit danger to America under Obama. instead you are a partisan hack, laying cover for the creep in our WH. that is your agenda.

  6. The U.S. government has been infiltrated by ambitious and greedy men and women whose allegiance is not to their country, but to themselves and their political party.

  7. The aims and conduct of the Democrat and Republican establishments have become antithetical to the principles upon which the nation was founded. Their aims are driven by political expediency and winning elections for the sole purpose of attaining and maintaining personal power and profit. Their conduct is based on remaining unconstrained by the Constitution and the rule of law and unaccountable to the American people.

  8. 9/11 happened because Billy-Boy did NOT take action when the Cole was attacked. He appeased the enemy setting us up for more attacks. NO one could predict 9/11 but GWB made sure on his watch it never happened again...which he did.

  9. 9/11/01 was cause by Clinton, he couldn't take Osama Benladen, he had prepare for long time to attack America and his plan was completed in the Bush era, after that Bush keep us safe for the last 7 years of his term,after Bush, they continue their new agenda, so now now they begin to show their power, because they saw Obama policy is weak or they see Obama has same goal with them.
