Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Op-ed: Get ready for 'Knife Control'

Get ready for 'Knife Control' 
By: Diane Sori

OK folks get ready to hide your knives...hunting knives, Exacto knives, Swiss Army knives. pen knives, pocket knives, steak knives, box-cutters, and the oh so dangerous butter knives...because soon enough knives will be the lefts newest 'control' agenda as Air Force One is being readied for Obama's 'Ban the Knife' tour.

And all because a mentally ill individual, a 20-year old student at Lone Star State College (CyFair Campus) in northwest Harris County, Texas, stabbed and injured at least 14 people. Randomly targeting people as he ran screaming down the college halls, stabbing many in their cheeks, shoulders and necks, the stabber was tackled and brought down by fellow students...students who said that if they'd been allowed to carry guns on campus this would NOT have gotten as bad as it did.

Guess the victims forgot the lefts pee and vomit on the perpetrator rules of defending oneself.

'Look what the bad knife's time to make all pointy objects illegal'...soon to be the upcoming liberal rhetoric.  And just a thought...will sharpened pencils be thought of as the next weapon to be Obamanation it's a strong possibility.

But for now it's just a matter of time before the gun control loons try to piggy-back a knife control amendment onto their ridiculous gun control legislation....legislation that will impede on our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

Misguided logic for sure as a mentally ill individual did this act just like mentally ill individuals did the Arizona Shooting, the Colorado Movie Massacre, the Newtown Massacre, and all the other shootings the msm so loves to hype as they willingly play party to Obama's gun control agenda.

And this new leftist 'cause de jour' will be because another obviously 'NOT right in the head' individual, who carried around and talked to a stuffed monkey puppet, was allowed to enroll at the college, because heaven forbid someone mentally ill is perceived to be discriminated against or treated any different than the sane.

14 people were stabbed because this mentally ill individual's rights (NO 20-year man who carries around and talks to a puppet all day is sane and NO doctor is needed to reach that conclusion) were protected but NOT the student's right to be protected from this mentally ill individual.

And herein lies the crux of the problem for NO amount of legislation from the left will stop the mentally ill from getting guns or knives if they're determined to get them. And like the criminal, those deemed mentally ill could care less about laws designed to protect us from them. Case in point is that the Lone Star College System has a banned weapons policy that includes knives already in place...”II.F.1.06 System Firearms Policy: It is the policy of this System to prohibit the carrying of firearms, knives and clubs onto any of the System's facilities. The possession of firearms, illegal knives and prohibited knives on System facilities including parking areas and publicly accessed facilities is a violation of criminal law and Board policies. This prohibition includes licensed concealed handguns except as otherwise allowed by state law.”

Little good that did for the 14 stabbed yesterday, and little good words on paper will do against any mentally ill individual determined to hurt or kill the innocent.

This path legislators are traveling on as they debate the lefts gun control agenda (and that agenda will now probably be amended to include knives and other objects the left deems dangerous) does NOTHING to address the real problems our society faces when dealing with weapons in the hands of the mentally ill, for our current laws protect the rights of the mentally ill over the rights of those they can and will hurt.

First, the mentally ill will NEVER submit to background checks, and why would they as doctor/patient confidentiality protects their anonymity as doctors cannot currently report those individuals to authorities that they deem a danger to others. Second, many families of the mentally ill act as enablers as they try to both deny and hide the severity of the mental illness involved, and avoid getting them treatment or making sure they stay on their medications if so prescribed.. Mental illness still has a stigma attached to it but that stigma is the very thing that prevents the families of the mentally ill from getting them the help they need. And third, even when a mentally ill individual is placed, whether voluntarily or Baker Acted, into a facility to get help, most times they are released back into society before they are truly ready to be or are released in the general cleaning out of state run mental health facilities due to overcrowding or funding issues.

And so a vicious cycle continues on as the severely mentally ill will continue to walk amongst us and act out against the innocent, because some kumbaya liberal fears stepping on their supposed rights all while ignoring 'We the People's' right to be safe in our communities, schools, and in our homes.

But the left will use yesterday's violent act for political expediency in a try to now place a ban on certain knives as well as on guns...but. hey, who needs knives when there are sporks (sarcasm intended).
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