Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Op-ed: Disgraceful words extolling those out to kill us


Disgraceful words extolling those out to kill us    
By: Diane Sori

As per the FBI..."Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

How right they are...just too bad due to political correctness and other such nonsense that the FBI has fallen into a pattern of making mistakes, a few of which have allowed Americans to be killed, and all this has happened because Barack HUSSEIN Obama will NOT admit that we are indeed fighting a 'War on Terror' and the enemy is muslim terrorists...YES know, your brethren.

After 9/11, President George W. Bush made some major policy decisions concerning FBI protocol,...some we liked, some we didn't...but all kept us safe at home (as in NO terrorist attacks on American soil)...that is until April 15, 2013, when two muslim brothers...two muslim terrorists...set off bombs that killed four and injured over 170 others...and brought a major US city to a standstill for almost a week.

And even after this happened Barack HUSSEIN Obama still refused to admit or say the words that we are engaged in a 'War on Terror' and that muslim terrorists...muslim jihadists...are out to kill us.

So while Obama turns a deliberate blind eye to the war we're engaged in...the 'War on Terror' must be stated and understood that said war cannot be won in the time honored way of winning on the battlefield, at least NOT as long as we have a president who fights politically correct wars instead of fighting to win. And fighting to win means collateral damage...lots of collateral damage...for that is the only incentive that will get an enemy to lay down their weapons.

So how do we win this war when our president ties the hands of our troops from doing what they were trained to do we win this war when our president won't even admit there's a war...sadly, we won't on this man's watch unless Barack HUSSEIN Obama willingly and strongly discredits the entire islamic terrorist ideology, and that means discrediting his muslim brethren NOT making excuses for them, catering to them, or apologizing to them.

And while in today's world terrorism is the muslim's way of raging war, especially the very nasty tactic of using suicide bombings as a weapon of first choice, the bottom line is that the muslim terrorist threat will never be completely eliminated as long as islam itself is NOT radically reformed, radically changed from within, and that means removing completely the basic tenet of islam...killing those who differ with their ideology...killing those they call infidels.

And Barack HUSSEIN Obama knows very well that in the qur'an there are 164 verses commanding, yes commanding, followers of islam to kill the infidels...and guess what...we are those infidels.

What's even sadder is that the Obama controlled liberal media is actually encouraging that war to be brought to our shores by whitewashing the enemy...turning them into the victims instead of showing them for the barbaric bast*rds that they are. The liberal media allows this president to repeat time and again lines such as this without calling him to task, "This great religion has been distorted at the hands of a few extremists."

'This great religion'...those words make me sick.

By the way, Barack HUSSEIN Obama spewed out this very line after the Boston bombings...and this is the very same line he used in November 2010 when addressing St. Xavier College students in Mumbai, Inda.

He couldn't even think of something original to say when his brethren brought the war to our shore.

In fact, in a press conference after the bombings Obama said, “The phrase jihad has lot of meanings within islam, and is subject to a lot of different interpretations. But I will say that first, islam is one of the world’s great religions.” “And, uh, more than a billion people who practice islam, the overwhelming majority, uh, view their obligations to their religion as ones that reaffirm peace and justice, and fairness and tolerance. I think all of us recognize that this great religion in the hands of a few extremists has been distorted to justify violence against innocent people that is never justified.”

He said this after the bombing...uhs and all...and he said those exact words...uhs and all, in the exact same places, in 2010 in Mumbai, India.

And the liberal media won't tell you but I will that our president, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, rehashed a prepared speech from 2010, given in a foreign country, and didn't even have the decency to come up with an original thought when our nation was hurting...when our nation was grieving...when our nation needed comforting. NO, this miserable excuse of a president had NOT a modicum of sympathy for those lost or injured as he reused words spoken on one of his photo-op trips extolling the virtues of the very religion whose follower's goal is to kill us all...the very religion who just brought the war to the streets of Boston.

My contempt for this man cannot even be put into words.

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  1. Let's be frank. Obama is a jihadist. He doesn't call it a war on terror. He doesn't say we're in a war on terror. The reason? He is a jihadist. He isn't at war with THEM, he's at war with us.
