Monday, April 29, 2013

DC Anti-Gun Rally: If You Have it they will Come...hahahaha...Not So Fast

I swung by the Stop the NRA March this afternoon to watch the protest and march against gun violence. I was late, but caught two of the speeches before the crowd started marching. 
Participating organizations include Public Campaign, Occupy the NRA, CREDO, Every Child Matters, Moveon, United For Change, USA, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, The Other 98%, and We Act Radio. 
A generous estimation of the crowd size would have been about 100 people, including members of the media.
1. McPherson Square:

4. The march begins:

Read the rest HERE with addition Sad photos.

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  1. hahahahahaha!


  2. Another Democrat dystopia idea bites the dust.

  3. I thought the NRA was Public Enemy #1.

    That's what the State Run Media keeps telling us.

    I've seen bigger crowds at garage sales.
