Friday, March 22, 2013

Op-ed: Israel, Iran, and the Obama factor

Israel, Iran, and the Obama factor
By: Diane Sori

Barack HUSSEIN Obama's photo-op 'it's all about me' trip to Israel was intended to heal open wounds that he will NEVER admit were of his doing...of Obama's doing because of his less than outward support for our most staunch of allies. Vacillating between mediocre support for the Jewish state and his true support for all things muslim, Obama told Jewish leaders that he was determined to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, that all options were on the table, but that there was still time for a diplomatic solution.

NO, I don't think so...

Not as long as Iran continues to play games with the gamekeepers, for even in light of a newly discovered 'secret' nuclear site (called Quds meaning Jerusalem), 15 miles from the Fordow facility (with a capacity of 8,000 centrifuges and with three operational chambers), Iran still assumes they're calling the shots. And as of now, you know what, Iran is as they just turned down the P5+1 (France, Germany, the US, China, Russia and Britain) proposal to limit their nuclear ambitions by limiting their uranium enrichment to 20%, and having them shut down their Fordow underground facility. Claiming the offer has 'no balance' as it demands Iran give up more than it gets in return for what they called 'a modest relief' from sanctions that have crippled their economy, Iran just stalled the game yet again giving them even more time to keep working on their nukes as NO sanctions currently in place has forced them to change their nuclear ambitions.

And Obama knew about this turn down even as he was bloviating with his best 'for the camera' smile to Israeli students in Jerusalem about his so-called 'support' for Israel by saying that the US would NOT stand in the way if Israel decided to take unilateral action against Iran. Sure Obama, send Israel in alone in light of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's threat that if any military action is taken against Iran they would level both Tel Aviv and Haifa.

"Every now and then the leaders of the Zionist regime threaten Iran with a military attack...They should know that if they commit such a blunder, the Islamic republic will annihilate Tel Aviv and Haifa"...a NOT so veiled threat by a supposed holy man...a madman really...and with madmen calling the shots in Iran anything is NOT only possible but probable.

And what did Barack HUSSEIN Obama say to's hard to hear through his deafening silence.

And Obama oh so willingly happens to forget Netanyahu's 'red line' warning from last September's U(seless) N(ations) speech that if Iran succeeds in the enrichment process they will reach an 'immunity zone' where it would be too late for military action to stop them, and that could happen by the middle of this year.

Obama's 'support' of Israel is photo-op 'empty substance' support and NOTHING more for if he really supported and stood by Israel against an enemy determined to wipe them off the map he would get in Iran's face and say to Iran's leaders, 'mess with mess with us.'  Sadly, I guarantee you that will NEVER happen.

And then there's his 'hidden in the words' condemnation of Israel in regards to the Palestinian issue.

"The only way for Israel to endure and thrive as a Jewish and democratic state is through the realization of an independent and viable Palestine," Obama said at the Jerusalem Convention Center.  "Peace is necessary, but peace is also just.”

Tell me how Israel is to make peace with an enemy who continuously lobs rockets into their cities, the latest attack happening while Obama was there.  Does Obama care...NO he doesn't as his answer was to ask Israelis to consider the Palestinians' "right to self-determination and justice" as they work toward a peaceful solution.  Definitely gagging on that one.

Bottom line...if Barack HUSSEIN Obama was a true supporter of Israel he would stop giving aid and lip service to the enemies of Israel.  Playing both sides against each other in what is really already a war is nasty business and dangerous to Israel, for the time is fast approaching when Israel will be forced to funnel all its resources into defense while Obama smirks and gives a wink to his muslim brethren.

Thankfully, Benjamin Netanyahu is a smart man, an ex-soldier strong of character, a man wise enough NOT to give any serious credence to the empty words of a community organizer who is play acting the role of a president (and doing a terrible job of it I might add) for Obama's sudden about face, pro-Israel bloviations are nothing but reading script lines for the cameras.  Remember, actions speak louder than words...and actions like arming the Muslim Brotherhood with F-16s and Abrams tanks says what his true intentions really are.

So did Barack HUSSEIN Obama's trip to Israel heal old wounds...maybe to him and his smirky smiling persona for the cameras it did but for true leaders of courage, like Benjamin Netanyahu, all it did was show that when it comes to all things Obama his words are as empty as his true support of Israel is.

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