Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Op-ed: To the man who should be president

To the man who should be president
By: Diane Sori 
Dear Mr. Romney, 

Sunday I watched the Chris Wallace interview with you and Ann and it brought tears to my eyes for there you were, the man America desperately needed to be president sitting alongside your loving and beautiful wife, a woman who would have brought class back to the position of First Lady.  Mitt, you would have been an amazing president, and how truly sad it is that in today's America the 'sponges' of this country coupled with massive voter fraud denied our beloved America of your guiding hand in helping to restore to her all that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has taken away.
“It kills me not to be there, not to be in the White House doing what needs to be done...It’s hard,” you said.  And you know what Mitt...it's hard on America that you're NOT there...it's harder than you can ever imagine for on that fateful day in November America lost the best man for these times...honest, capable, and not a political insider.  America lost you Mitt...a hard worker, a success, a man dedicated to service of country because of your love of country...because you believe in the American dream.......and in America.
It's hard on America that the media is NOT only complicit but partners in your defeat.  Ann put it eloquently but so pointedly when she said she was frustrated that the campaign would not let you show your more open, compassionate side...”it's the media’s fault that you were never given a fair shake,” that people weren’t allowed to really see him for who you really were.

How right she is for it was the media that was in the pocket of the man who bought and paid for votes with promises of free stuff...and lots of it.  It was the media who helped Barack HUSSEIN Obama steal the election away from you...a man so much more qualified to put our country and our economy back on track...so much more qualified to be the leader of the free world...to be respected as Commander-in-Chief by our military and NOT one to sell us out to our enemies...so much more qualified to be the steward of the greatest nation the world has ever known. 

It was the media who is as guilty of stabbing our beloved America in the back but they are NOT alone in that.  Also just as guilty are those who wouldn't vote for you simply because you are a Mormon...the ones who wouldn't vote for you because their candidate of choice wasn't the nominee...the ones who voted 3rd party as a sign of protest failing to realize that their vote actually went to Obama...the ones who stayed home and couldn't be bothered to vote...the ones who voted for Obama just so they could get more free stuff...and the ones who knowingly and willing committed voter fraud by voting over and over again just so they could have a man in office who would give them even more free stuff.

And while you did say that your campaign failed to reach out to minorities as well as the Obama campaign you forget that it's the minorities that Obama bought and paid for with all his free stuff and promises of amnesty for ILLEGALS...no one could compete with Santa giving away goodies.

These people are the cause of Obama being back in office...these are the people who have doomed America to four years of hell.  And while you say that “I recognize that as the guy who lost the election, I’m not in a position to tell everybody else how to win, alright? They’re not going to listen and I don’t have the credibility to do that anyway.  But I still care”...we who supported you and still believe in you say we still care too.

We still care...we still care how we have a man sitting in the White House who has anything but America's best interests at heart...a man who tells lie after lie to the American people yet NEVER has to personally answer for them...he has flunkies for that who just perpetrate those lies as in 'Fast and Furious' and Benghazi.

We still care that this man, who should be doing the job he was 'elected' (gag) to do is still out campaigning as he is more concerned about taking back the House in 2014 so he can finish the job unobstructed by Republicans...to finish the job of destroying our beloved country and turn her into his vision of a socialist utopia...than he is about creating jobs and putting Americans back to work.

We still care as you said “that Obama is failing in his handling of the $85 billion in spending cuts that kicked in last weekend, in part because he failed to broker a less drastic option between Democrats and Republicans.”  We still care that he cried wolf...that he cried the sky will fall...that he tried to scare the American people over what amounts to a miserly 3% cut to the budget.

We still care as you do that Obama still continues to fund America's enemies...that he sends billions to terrorist groups like Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and now Egypt, a once secular country now turned islamic dictatorship...and that he does this with our taxpayer dollars while Americans are out of work and hurting.

We still care that this man has chosen a cabinet of leftover 60's stoners, traitors, and muslim sympathizers...we care that social issues have taken precedence over America's national defense...how our military is being cut as our enemies military forces grow stronger every day.

We still care that this man is trying to radically alter our Constitution...to do away with our Second Amendment right to 'keep and bear arms' with his gun control lie of 'it's for the children.'

We still care that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has stolen America's exceptionalism from her...that he is stripping her of her status as the world's only true remaining superpower as he cuts our nuclear arsenal to levels below that of her enemies...that he bows down and caters to the U(seless) N(ations) and their One World Order initiative.

And we still care that America is still dealing with the lost hope that many of us saw in you and Ann.  Everyday with this miserable excuse of a president is a fresh wound on 'We the People'...everyday we live under the fear of Obama's civil warfare agenda...of his socialist redistribution and wealth theft agenda that is giving the government centralized power to pass regulations which are leading us away from a free society. How sad it is when a president has forgotten that working across the isle unites all for the common good as he turns his back on half the country, breaking our nation apart.

“I'm not going to disappear…I care about America. I care about the people that can't find jobs.  I care about the fact that we're racking up larger deficits and putting the peril of the future generation very much in play” you said, and we thank you for that as it's obvious that your heart is filled with passion and love for America.

Mitt, you vowed 'to remain a force in American politics' and I thank you for that as we will need voices of reason, logic, and dedication for when these next four years are over, because the job of putting the pieces left of our beloved America back to how our Founders intended her to be will be a great one, a hard one, but NOT an impossible one if men like you are there to help lead the way.


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  1. I could not have stated it better. It is a travesty to see our nation in peril, to see our people suffering, to see what is happening right before our eyes, knowing it did not have to be. Even in defeat his statements are all about service, about how much it kills him not to be able to fix what is wrong with our country today. About how the current occupant of the oval office has plan in place other than his own selfish agenda. It was also wonderful to listen to the reflections of his wife, emotional yet tempered, and with no apology for what she felt was a systematic attack on her husband that was false and misleading. The only way to describe how it was possible for this man to lose this election is that evil triumphed over good and all of us a facing the consequences of a nation blinded by their own selfishness. This interview renewed my strong convictions he was by far the best candidate we have ever had the opportunity to support in an election of this magnitude when so much was at stake and we let him down, he did not let us down. I could care less what the naysayers say went wrong in his campaign, evil won on election day and elections have consequences.

  2. Absolutely Great op-ed Diane. Very well written and more importantly everything you stated was true.

  3. Yes, he 'should be president', I mean, running against someone with a dire economic record, saying to the Russians 'I'll have more flexability after the election', Bengazi, losing credit rating standard, Obamacare,high unemployement, adding trillions to the national debt? Yes, you'd be hard pushed to lose against that eh? However, take a flawed candidate with 0 politcal savy with a laughable, historically bad campaign, and you end up with the answer.

  4. RomneyMan,

    " running against someone with a dire economic record, saying to the Russians 'I'll have more flexability after the election', Bengazi, losing credit rating standard, Obamacare,high unemployement, adding trillions to the national debt?"

    It says more about the BRAIN DEAD, WORK PHOBIC, SERIAL PUBLIC TROUGH FEEDER LOW LIVES that make up the majority of voters than it does Romney.

  5. I couldn't agree more.

    Great Op-ed.

    Romney would have been an excellent President.

  6. Diane,
    I agree with you 100%...thank you for every word..Much I had said and it feels so good to have your words to validate our summary of this nightmare we lived through and are living today...We so needed Mitt.

    A friend and tireless worker for Mitt and Ann,
    Paule Willette

  7. I need a job(Mitt) I don't need to stay home and hungry like Obanama voters to get poor and poorer every day.

  8. Fantastic OP-ED. I agree with every word! Thank you for expressing what we all feel so beautifully!

  9. I love how Romney loyalists blame everyone but the candidate himself for his defeat.

    They blame his opponent, they blame the voters, they blame the media, they blame Hollywood, they even blame Romney's own campaign team, the very same team that he hired, retained and could have replaced any time he chose to.

    They blame everyone but Saint Romney. They act as if he was entitled to win the election. As if the victory was owed to him, as if he didn't have to earn the victory by CONNECTING WITH VOTERS on the issues that mattered to them.

    Romney loyalists must have very short memories. Just 12 years ago another Republican presidential candidate was able win the presidency, and win again 4 years later, DESPITE nasty opponents, dumb voters, liberal Hollywood celebrities and a very biased and corrupt news media.

    Despite facing the very same obstacles that Romney faced AND MORE - peace & prosperity in 2000, 9/11 and two very unpopular wars halfway across the planet in 2004 - "Dubya" was able to win, and then win again.

    Unlike Team Romney, Team Bush was smart enough and courageous enough to attack the character of their opponents. They attacked Al Gore for his cheerleading of President Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and they attacked John Kerry over the Swift Boat controversy. Had they not done so, they would not have won either of those elections.

    Team Romney, on the other hand, gave Obama a Get Out Of Jail Free card on all the character issues, from Benghazi to Fast & Furious to the Black Panthers to eligibility to Jeremiah Wright to Bill Ayres to Tony Rezko to partial & post-birth abortion, the list goes on.

    Team Romney took every issue off the table except the economy, and as a result, lost the election.

    I know it's very hard for Romney loyalists to come to terms with the fact that Romney ran, in the words of political pundit Pat Caddell, "the worst presidential campaign of modern times".

    But sooner or later the day will come when they accept the hard and bitter truth about their beloved candidate.

    Had Romney been as tough on Obama as he was on "47% of Americans", he would've won the election by a landslide.

    Romney and his loyal minions will eventually understand that they have nobody to blame but Romney himself for his failure to do so.

  10. Superb analysis there impeach, 100% on the money.

  11. Newark, I think you, um, left out some critical facts in your analysis. Ha ha.

    First and foremost, did you forget that Obama is the COOL, FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT----ever?

    NO ONE on our side could have won against him, and ESPECIALLY someone who trashed him personally. Romney would have lost by a greater margin had he done that. DUH!

    Romney was not perfect, but he ran the best campaign possible under the circumstances.

    (Ha ha. You think Bush would have won against the first black president? I have a bridge for you.)


  12. Note though that W was running first in an open seat (no incumbant) and Gore was hardly Mr. Charisma. Then, in 2004, W himself was the incumbant with no primary battle, and Kerry, again, was hardly Mr. Charisma himself. Both of those were different in 2012- OB an incumbant and charasmatic with political savy.

  13. Diane, you express my thoughts and feelings. Very good, but for a couple minor quibbles.

    Capitalizing HUSSEIN over and over is petty, and pointless. Also, I think Michelle Obama is someone to be admired, even though I don't agree with her on much, and she has said some pretty terrible things. But people like her a lot, and she seems to be a good mother. I respect her. I think she's a large part of the reason Obama was re-elected.

    Anyway, thanks for your thoughts.


  14. @ Martha

    Right, Obama won "because he is black".

    Being black worked out real well for Herman Cain, Al Sharpton, Carol Moseley Braun, Alan Keyes, Lenora Fulani, Jesse Jackson and Shirley Chisholm during their FAILED presidential bids.

    Nice try, try again.

  15. So Newark,

    You think the media all played a minor roll in all this?

    Now LET'S SUPPOSE, Romney had done everything you suggest. HOW!!! would Romney have gotten that message out?

    Would ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC...etc waited with baited breath for each and every installment of attacks by Romney at Obama each night so they could spread it to all their viewers?

    I know...we'll never know...because according to you, Romney didn't follow your plan.

    Romney and his campaign played it safe "YES". But to think that the media was a minor player in all this is RIDICULOUS. I believe team Romney took the media situation into how the proceeded. NO WAY to get the message out so stay positive.

  16. Thanks to you all who liked my op-ed. I was a volunteer on the ROMNEY campaign and worked so hard as many others did, but when you are Santa to the greedy and the lazy there is NO way anyone could win against that.

    And as far as capitalizing Obama's middle name, I do this on purpose and always will as people need to remember that this man is a muslim through and through, and will always side with America's enemies.

  17. @ RomneyMan

    Bush 43 was NOT charismatic, yet he won in 2000, and won again in 2004.

    Neither was Bush 41, yet he won by a landslide in 1988.

    Neither was Richard Nixon, yet he won twice, the second time by a historic landslide.

    Dwight Eisenhower was dull as a doorknob, yet he won two landslide elections.

    Charisma is certainly a factor, but it's not the be-all and end-all that you make it out to be.


    @ BOSMAN

    Romney could've gotten his message out the same way that Bush 43, Bush 41, Reagan and other victorious Republican presidential candidates got their message out - through alternative media, through advertising, through debates, through interviews, through surrogates and perhaps most importantly, through word of mouth.

    You know perfectly well that I've criticized the dishonest, dysfunctional and corrupt State Run Media as much as anybody and have pleaded with Americans of all political stripes to DEMAND EQUAL TIME on the television and radio airwaves, which last time I checked federal law, ARE PUBLIC - NOT PRIVATE - PROPERTY.

    But in the meantime, it is what it is. Republican candidates can and must go through, over, under and around the State Run Media to get their message out to the voters.

    The one huge advantage that Republicans have is that Democrats frequently OVERPLAY THEIR HAND by nominating extremely liberal and extremely corrupt candidates that most voters would NEVER support if they knew the truth about them.

    Republican candidates who have the courage to challenge the media and expose the truth to the voters are, with rare exception, rewarded for their efforts on election day.

  18. Diane, whether or not Obama is Muslim doesn't matter. Unless you want a religious test for office, and I don't.

    Being Muslim (that's a big if)is the least of his problems.


  19. Newark, Bush 43 was loaded with charisma, and it is one reason he won.

    His dad, not so much, I agree.


  20. It helped Reagan that Carter had been through a rough primary against Ted Kennedy.

    Being part of the establishment helped the GOP contenders.

    A thousands times RomneyMan said that he is on the side of voter manipulations, the Goebbels-like media smear machine, voter fraud, election law violations, and voter intimidation, just like his buddy Obama. He doesn't mind Un-Constitutional non-natural born citizenship status of Obama.

    What doesn't concern RomneyMan is vast. Face it, he attacks Romney for the same reason every time. He's shilling for Obama.

  21. *A thousand times RomneyMan has said . . .

  22. Thanks you for the article, Diane and Bosman

  23. Mitt Romney: "I know the press have their job to do and I have mine. I don't want to suggest that they are bias'd. My job is to lay out a positive vision for the future of this country. Their job is to make sure that nobody else finds out about it."

  24. I second Ann Romney's motion, since I have no problem laying all the blame on the state run media either.

  25. I blame:

    the Stupid Americans who can't see past the end of their own noses,

    The MSM, obviously,

    The right wing media, also

    Chris Christie,

    The religious right leadership clowns who fought Romney for 6 years,

    The comedy trio Rick Rick and Newt,

    and the O adminstration's shameless lies.

    That's pretty much it, with the MSM taking the lions share.


  26. Oh, I forgot the Akin crowd. They did their damage as well.

    No one could win under those circumstances, and we'll soon see it when 2016 rolls around and the MSM anoint Hillary. They can hardly wait.


  27. Diane, you wrote,

    "this man is a muslim through and through, and will always side with America's enemies."

    First, I doubt Obama has strong associations with the Muslim, or any faith, I think he basically worships himself.

    Second, there are 2.5 million Muslim American who don't really deserve to be maligned as you do when you use the word muslim. These people have assimilated into our culture, and deserve to be respected as do all law-abiding Americans who aren't out flying planes into buildings.

    Religious tolerance is a great founding principle of America. I shudder a little when I read comments like yours.


  28. Check out an education on Islam from Lt. Colonel Allen West. Their Sharia law isn't compatible with America's values and Constitution. If they start to express a desire for Sharia Law, they ought to be exiled from America. They can have their Sharia Law in many places.

  29. Eisenhower was never considered dull in his day, he was very loved and respected after World War II.

  30. So far there is no evidence to contradict the claim that Obama sides with America's enemies. He refused to call Fort Hood massacre or Benghazi attacks terrorism. He doesn't mention in terrorism reports any longer (Bush always did) that Hezb'allah has killed more Americans than any other terrorist organization.

    If Europe would acknowledge that Hezb'allah is a terrorist organizaiton, they could no longer fund-raise in Europe, and gain many other powerful advantages.

    America cannot afford to play dumb to Obama's crimes.

  31. If you believe Muslims show religious tolerance, please take your try at living in Europe. Please.

  32. Mitt Romney One-Liners At Al Smith Dinner


    The real Romney was out there, but the media was hiding him. He's very charming and engaging, as one ought to expect from his plentiful endorsements, and former employee testimonials.

    Former co-workers described Mitt Romney as the "perfect CEO." He is highly desirable, and the media played "mum is the word." Their behavior is shameful and disgusting.

  33. "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" ~Benjamin Franklin

  34. No, ImpeachObama, Romney loyalists do not blame Romney's team, that is you and RomneyMan. And you two definitely are not Romney loyalists.

  35. Blame Obama for Obama.

  36. Wrong, RomneyMan. ImpeachObama did not do superb analysis. Romney was not tough on 47%. One doesn't get much more dense and gullible than to fall for the state run media version. Romney wasn't doing anything to anyone, he was being spied upon through a small crack.

    Obama is the colossal failure. He can't even produce a valid birth certificate, but holds up a phony forgery. It wasn't even a good forgery (failure).

    Obama goes around talking about 57 states. Where is the political savvy in that? Where was Valerie Jarrett when he needed her?

    Obama fails to understand the Constitution, and he's suppose to be a professor / college instructor on it. Really?

    He fails to keep his Oath of Office to protect the Constitution. Obama failed to protect Amb Stevens. He failed to call the Fort Hood massacre terrorism. I don't see political savvy in this conduct, just evil.

    Obama fails to inspire respect from other world leaders. Middle eastern nations like Iran mock us because they can read. That is how not politically savvy Obama is. They point out to Americans that Obama is swearing to them that he's Muslim.

    ImpeachObama and RomneyMan, give it up. You don't find fault in Romney, you just supporting Obama NO MATTER WHAT he does.

    As for more aggression? remember Benghazi? Romney was correct that Obama was jumping the gun to declare that the attack was not planned, to say Libya attack was agitation from anti-Muslim film, and to apologize to those looting our embassy in Egypt and burning our American flag. What was the media response? Oh, gosh, that lame Romney, another gaffe.

    You sound just that kind of shill, both of you. Patting each other on the back, that is rich.

    There is no doubt what Obama was doing all the time he wasn't golfing. He was "campaigning," better known as bribery. No wonder he set a record for amount of time a president of the United States spent "campaigning." It would take a LOT of bribery to get people to co-operate with his incompetent racket.

    Another bump in the road?

    “If Romney had said that the death of our ambassador, the attack on our embassy, the death of three other Americans, the hoisting of the black al Qaeda flag over four U.S. embassies, and demonstrations all over the Middle East all the way to Indonesia including a burning in effigy of Obama in Sri Lanka of all places is a bump in the road, it would be a three day headline,”Krauthammer contended.

    Obama has political savvy? He's upside down, and doesn't belong in our century or in our country.

    Your unending and useless attacks on Romney give me hope. Maybe he is a threat still . . .

    But not only is Romney accomplished, smart and everyone knows his past EXACTLY, and Israeli's connect with him joyfully, he also picks competent people for his team. It doesn't get any better than Sununu, the best Senior Campaign adviser ever.

    And Romney's wife actually likes him, as compared to the ice freeze between Obama and his 'wife.' No, it is Obama who has no social skills.

    The American flag almost makes him puke, and that seems like political savvy to you?!!

  37. Yes! Absolutely. If Muslim Americans start to desire Sharia law--we have a problem. But I see little evidence of that, beyond a few isolated cases. The far and great majority of Muslims in America are moderate and pose no threat to the American way of life.

    And yes, Obama does indeed seem to side with America's enemies quite often. No argument there.


  38. "Muslim Americans start to desire Sharia law--we have a problem"

    Take a trip through Dearborn, MI. That should eliminate any warm ans fuzzy images of what Muslims want in America.

    Need a second look, check out England and all the shit that's happening there.

  39. Let's not forget Fort Hood and 911.
    We already have a problem. Even Putin warned us that they don't play well with their neighbors.

    And who is deciding which Arabs / Muslims get access to America? Mr. Arab Spring hinself, bff to Morsi the dictator himself.

    We lost Egypt to the "Death to America" crowd.


  40. Tell me, is "bump in the road" an example of your idea political savvy?
    A couple of crybabies.

  41. Diane Sori put voice to our grief at not having President Romney. He did have a positive vision for our country, and he was inclusive of all Americans.

    State run media is as stupid as the toadies it breeds.

  42. Thank you all who liked what I wrote...things would be so different now with MITT at the helm...so so sad that he's not. :(
