Saturday, March 9, 2013

Judge Napolitano feels President President Obama may have crossed the line towards an 'Impeachable Offense'

H/T Breitbart.Com

In the following video, Judge Napolitano discusses emails from the Department of Agriculture that proves the sequester cuts are not predetermined.

He feels that by doing things like releasing prisoners, not inspecting meat, or any other actions that deliberately put the public in danger are impeachable:

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  1. Ha ha. I think we passed the impeachable threshold quite some time ago.


  2. His FIRST Offense was to Forge his Birth Records in a State that he wasnt born in, and the Originals dont exist in,....those are FELONIES,....

  3. Exactly right, Chief, but don't expect Napolitano to ever echo those thoughts, since he's bought and paid for by the crony capitalist State Run Media outlet known as Fox News.

    It's very easy for Napolitano to bloviate about impeaching Obama for releasing prisoners and reducing meat inspections when he knows full well that never in a million years will Obama be impeached for those despicable - but completely legal - actions because they aren't "high crimes such as treason and bribery" that the Constitution requires for indictment and removal of the President.

    Napolitano's impeachment rhetoric was probably nothing more than a desperate attempt to prop up Fox's ratings, which have plummeted since Obama's re-election on November 6th.

    Contrary to urban legend, Fox is every bit as contemptuous of the Constitution and the rule of law as the rest of The Big Four(CBS, NBC, ABC) are.

    FOX just does a slightly better job of hiding that contempt than the other television and radio networks do.
