Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Is the misuse of Technology ruining Society?

When I went to school, I had to learn how to read, write, and do math (IN MY HEAD or on paper).

Handwriting went along with the above. Now-a-days if you ask anyone under 18 to write their name down, most PRINT IT. Finding someone now who can Hand write and do math in their head is like looking for a dodo bird.

These basic skills are being lost to computers and apps that want to do  ALL THE WORK for you.

The following article plays write into how lazy the new society wants our brain to get:
An unprecedented agreement between two influential foundations, leading academics, two global testing firms and the video game industry could redefine how schools teach basic skills. 
Tinkering for the past several months at the Silicon Valley offices of one of the world's largest video game developers, the alliance is pushing to develop materials based on off-the-shelf video games that will get kids ready for "college and career success," a key, largely unmet goal of the USA's education system. 
The nation is not producing enough well-rounded scientists, engineers and mathematicians for all the high-tech jobs expected to develop — an estimated 8 million in the next five years alone.   
And school is boring kids to death.
Read the rest HERE.

'school is boring kids to death'...Yeh...It's not like reality TV or the video games played 24/7 by the kids of parents whose time is consumed with their electronic interests and gizmos.


Lets suppose that someday, the Government decides to take control of the Power Companies, internet, and electronic media and decides to start rationing it. What will all these folks do with all their extra time? READ Books?...WRITE letters:?...Figure out your own household finances?

I don't like what I'm seeing...we're becoming to dependent on things outside of ourselves....and they call this 'progress'?.........I guess progressives do.

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1 comment:

  1. Ironic.

    While the pace of technological advances is mind-boggling in our age, society as a whole is becoming less educated, less articulate, etc.--essentially we are dumbed down.

    Good handwriting is a lost art. I don't think they even teach cursive anymore. I love to see the handwriting of the older generation. My father had beautiful handwriting.

    So now the gaming industry is going to have to step in and prepare kids for college/careers?

