Friday, February 22, 2013

What does Fox News Chris Wallace know about Mitt Romney's Future that we don't?

H/T Mediate

This was an exchange between Brian Kilmeade & Chris Wallace on Kilmeade's Radio show today:

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  1. Chris Christie can forget it. No way will I vote for him.

  2. Marco Rubio is a rising star but he luck experienced in the job of presidency like Obama, if America want a success president Mitt, Jeb,and Christ are the answer for America in 2016.

  3. Chris Wallace just told Sheperd Smith on Fox that Romney IS NOT going to work for Fox News. So rule that out!

    1. I could have told you Mitt would not work for Fox news... he has no need/reason to do so.

  4. Oh I did not think Mitt would lower himself to Fox'es level.

  5. Mitt could afford to pull a Glenn Beck and start his own network, but I think he has plans more in the way of action, like the Clinton Foundation but with better morals. We'll see.
