Sunday, February 10, 2013

SC Teacher may lose his job after stomping on the flag during a class lesson

Obama's pall Bill Ayers would probably say
Quit picking on him...he had every right to do it.
Scott Compton has received threatening phone calls and hate mail and, according to his attorney Darryl Smalls, he fears for the safety of his wife and two young children. 
The English teacher at Chapin High School, near Columbia, S.C., also has been suspended from his job with a recommendation from the superintendent that he be fired, Lexington-Richland School District 5 spokesman Mark Bounds said. 
His offense: taking the American flag from the wall and stomping on it.
Read the whole story HERE.

What he could have done is brought in a Chinese flag (stomped on it) and explained that UNLIKE IN AMERICA where we have freedom of speech/expression) stomping on the flag in China 30 years ago would have sent him off to a work farm.

SAME LESSON...without his INTENTIONAL (IMHO) political statement. What do you think?

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1 comment:

  1. He has the right to stamp on the flag, but not to do it in a public school in front of minors.

    Threats are only mentioned when the person receiving them is a leftie. Anyone remember Brad Pitt's mom when she spoke out against abortion or gay marriage? Plenty of death threats came her way, too. Those I condemn.

    Stamping on a US flag I also condemn. Freedom to do something does not remove all consequences from doing it. This teacher should stand up and take the consequences like a man.

