Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Rick Santorum talks Immigration, Rubio, the GOP and other issues with Laura Ingraham (Full Interview 02-04-13)

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  1. I remember Rick was Laura's favorite. Laura was one of the biggest problems we had during this past election. Her bias towards Romney was obvious and she used her platform to sway people against him. She and others like her on talk radio bear some responsibility for loss. I will not listen to her show as well as several others ever again.

  2. Sorry Bosman, no can do. Can't imagine a more painful way to spend the next few minutes of my life. Ha ha.


  3. @ Anonymous 10:45 AM

    You're absolutely correct about talk radio's crucial role in helping Obama win re-election.

    Talk radio's constant smearing and slandering of Romney during the GOP primaries did not prevent him from winning the nomination, but it did suppress GOP turnout on November 6th by 5-10 million voters, IMHO.

    I do believe, however, that Romney grossly mishandled the situation by not directly confronting his critics on talk radio in much the same way that he confronted Rick Santorum during the debates with the devastating rebuke: "Rick, you call me 'a liberal' now, but in 2008 you called me 'a true conservative' and enthusiastically endorsed me."

    Romney could have used that very same rebuke against double-talking phonies like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Laura Ingraham.

    Had he done so, it would have quieted, if not completely silenced, his critics on the right.

    Romney also failed to emphasize the fact that his much-criticized Massachusetts health care initiative - the so-called "Romneycare" legislation - was the brainchild of our nation's premier CONSERVATIVE think tank, the Heritage Foundation.

    Had he done so, it would have debunked the myth that Romneycare was the blueprint for Obamacare.

    The media are bullies. You deal with bullies by punching them in the mouth, not by running away from them.

  4. Take responsibility for yourselves. Romney was a weak mush-mouth who previously lost to the loser of Obama, and you blame talk shows?!! Backing Romney shows you're weak. I guess you like Arlen Spector and Chuck hagle as well. Someone like Rick comes along and espouses real Conservative principals and he gets trash-talked by "Republicans"....nice, no wonder Conservatism is dead. Republicans are WEAK!!

  5. @ Anonymous 3:15 PM

    Yeah right, Santorum espoused "real conservative principles", such as:

    - Supporting the RINO Arlen Specter over conservative Pat Toomey in the 2004 primary for U.S. Senate.

    - Supporting unfunded mandates like 'No Child Left Behind' and the Medicare prescription drug benefit.

    - Supporting billions of dollars in pork barrel spending earmarks for his Pennsylvania business cronies.

    - Supporting a federal bailout of the steel industry.

    - Pocketing millions of dollars as a Washington lobbyist for crony capitalist business interests.

    Anonymous, if you believe Santorum's claim that he is "a real conservative", I've got some oceanfront property in Kansas you might be interested in.

  6. @ Anonymous 3:15 PM

    You call Romney supporters "weak"?!?!?

    Santorum lost his 2006 re-election bid by 18 points, 59%-41%, the largest margin of defeat for an incumbent senator since 1980.

    That's "weak". In spades.

  7. I am from Pennsylvania and Santorum is a big government hack....just look at his voting record. I was fuming when pundits like Laura Ingrahm praised him nonstop over Romney. The only thing conservative about Rick are his social views and to be quite honest his social views gave the Democrats much material to attack the GOP as being out of touch.

    The next GOP nominee has to focus less on social issues and more on economic and international issues. The Democrats won the election by target marketing low information voters on social issues. The election was suppose to be about the economy not social issues. Leave the social issues for the states to decide. That is after all what the constitution implies.
