Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Remember Obama relaying to Putin he could be more flexible after he was reelected?

President Obama will use his State of the Union speech on Tuesday to reinvigorate one of his signature national security objectives — drastically reducing nuclear arsenals around the world — after securing agreement in recent months with the United States military that the American nuclear force can be cut in size by roughly a third. 
Mr. Obama, administration officials say, is unlikely to discuss specific numbers in the address, but White House officials are looking at a cut that would take the arsenal of deployed weapons to just above 1,000. Currently there are about 1,700, and the new strategic arms reduction treaty with Russia that passed the Senate at the end of 2009 calls for a limit of roughly 1,550 by 2018. 
But Mr. Obama, according to an official who was involved in the deliberations, “believes that we can make pretty radical reductions — and save a lot of money — without compromising American security in the second term. And the Joint Chiefs have signed off on that concept.” 
The nuclear reduction plan has been debated inside the administration for two years, and the options have been on Mr. Obama’s desk for months. But the document was left untouched through the presidential election. The president wanted to avoid making the reductions a campaign issue with Mitt Romney, who declared at one point that Russia was now America’s “No. 1 geostrategic foe,” a comment that Mr. Obama later mocked as an indication that Mr. Romney had failed to move beyond the cold war.
Read the whole article HERE.

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  1. If you watched 2016 this should not surprise you. I am not in agreement with the President that this won't hurt our nat'l security.


  2. Nice connection Bos. We've got N. Korea, Iran, Russia, China, all flexing their muscle. Great time to cut our nuclear arsenal if your goal is to make us look week.

  3. Let's face it folks, Obama or any other POTUS with a "D" next to his name will get away with treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors as long as We The People continue to allow the radical left to illegally and unconstitutionally HIJACK our nation's mass communications infrastructure(a.k.a. the public airwaves).

    "People are sheep. TV is the shepherd." ~ Jess C. Scott

    Truer words have never been spoken. We The People ignore them at our own peril.

  4. We are in grave peril.

  5. We are in grave peril, and on numerous fronts. I cannot believe the American people are so asleep.

