Friday, February 15, 2013

Op-ed: On the lighter side...the sip of water heard around the world

On the lighter side...the sip of water heard around the world
 By: Diane Sori

Hard to believe but in the eyes and pea-brains of the liberal media MARCO RUBIO is now out of the running for president in 2016.  And why...drum roll please...because he took a sip of water when his throat went dry (under extremely hot television lights) while delivering the Republican rebuttal to Obama's lie-packed State of the Union Address.

Idiots like CNN's Wolf Blitzer even went so far as to say that that one sip of water has now ended MARCO'S political career forever.  Liberal 'what passes for logic' never ceases to amaze me as their media anointed 'lord and savor' has taken many drinks of water during his numerous narcissistic speeches on air. Haven't heard any liberals complain about that...have you...

And what's now known in the water cooler circuits and on the likes of
CNN and MSMBC as 'Water-Gate' has taken on a life of its own fueled on by those who have NOTHING else to criticize MARCO on.
Bullsh*t over substance is the lefts rallying cry, and bullsh*t over a sip of water is now point paramount, because the left cannot retort against MARCO'S absolutely fact-filled powerful speech with anything else.

Points of substance...scary words for the left. MARCO describing how he'd been raised by middle-class immigrant parents from Cuba, and how he still lives in same middle class neighborhood today as when he was growing up makes the left shutter because here is a politician who is just a regular guy...a regular guy like any other ordinary middle class American, and NOT a wealthy Kerry-like ideologue playing politics just for the fun of it as they live off the fortunes they married into.

Saying, "Mr. President, I don't oppose your plans because I want to protect the rich. I oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors -- hardworking, middle class Americans who don't need us to come up with a plan to grow the government".  MARCO sure got that right as under Obama the federal government has grown so large that they're now in our bedrooms and private matters thanks to the likes of Sandra Fluke.

And MARCO continued to call Obama to task on point after point.

MARCO pointing out that in order to balance our budget, a choice doesn’t have to be made between either higher taxes or benefit cuts for those in need.  By saying, “...we should grow our economy so that we create new taxpayers, not new taxes, and so our government can afford to help those who truly cannot help themselves” MARCO understands that every problem facing people today can’t be solved by government intervention.  And he hit a home run when he stressed that many of people's problems are, “...caused by the moral breakdown in our society.  And the answers to those challenges lie primarily in our families and our faiths, not our politicians.

NO truer words spoken as America under the stewardship of Barack HUSSEIN Obama has become a nation of anything goes.

Continuing on MARCO said that, “Raising taxes won't create private sector jobs” a truth every economist and businessman knows.  In fact, raising taxes will do just the opposite as the private sector will actually shrink as business after business will be forced to close as much needed profits get eaten up by taxes, but shhhhh...the left doesn't want you to know that.

Finishing up with the fact Americans have always celebrated and been inspired by those who succeed, MARCO spoke about the dreams of those who are still trying to make it as what sets our nation apart.

And so MARCO'S rebuttal using a choice of words that showed class, knowledge, and a deep love for America were words NOT spoken by the 'it's all about me' man who now lives in the White House.

As expected, as soon as MARCO'S speech was over the left came out in droves focusing on a small bottle of water instead of substance, but the last laugh will be on them as this small sip of water just shows MARCO is a regular guy who got thirsty NOT a guy like Barack HUSSEIN Obama who's done so much worse but who was given a free pass by the media.  But what's good for the Democrats is NEVER good for the Republicans.   

And when you have ubber liberal commentators like Chris Matthews, the man who gets a tingle up his leg every time Obama speaks, saying MARCOS speech was NOT unlike“…tinker toys...primitive...something you'd hear on a high school debating team” you know that the media is scared of MARCO RUBIO...scared of what he represents...scared of what he is...scared of his political NON-correctness...scared that this man just might be the next president of the United States.

Just hours after his State of the Union rebuttal MARCO did the media circuit and poked fun at himself. Saying on ABC, "I needed water, what am I going to do?...God has a funny way of reminding us we're human."
And we MARCO supporters have a funny way of saying, while we take a sip of water, “Job well done Mr. Pres....oops, Mr. Senator, wink, wink...
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1 comment:

  1. What good for democrat is not good for republican that is not true either, the true is what good for democrats is not good for America because when democrats and Obama got diamond spoon from his hope and change policy the entire country were so poor and poorer every day since Obama took office, just look around the world, the socialism country had never care about their people, they care their power only, as now the poor has no food for day by day but Obama is laughing every day and every times when he speech, even he has no good news but the medias still try to make some for him as he talked about penny that out of touch with the life of American people now, we the people want to save our lives by getting a job but they talk about the past 100 hundred years ago, we need to go to work but Obama talked about the year 2095.
