Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Op-ed: Gun control = gun confiscation

Gun control = gun confiscation
By: Diane Sori

Gun control advocacy, as we all know, is just useless leftist drivel for trying to find out who has and doesn't have firearms in their possession, as the fact is that gun control simply does NOTHING to control crime.  Case in point...last year law-abiding citizens used firearms 2.5 million times in self-defense against criminals...equating out to about 6,850 times a day.  This means that last year, firearms were used 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives.

More facts prove that gun control doesn't work...facts like Washington DC having the strictest gun laws in the country yet their death rate from guns is 5 times higher than the general average...facts like Utah having one of the most liberal concealed carry policies in the country yet their death rates from guns is one of the lowest....facts like firearm deaths actually fall as millions obtain permits to carry concealed weapons because criminals are NOT going to go to the local gun dealer and submit to a background check to purchase a gun...facts like in recent years the number of guns in this country increased by roughly 40 million even while the murder rate decreased by almost 40%...facts like concealed carry laws have reduced murder and crime rates in all the states that have enacted them...facts like my home state of Florida is one million valid concealed weapon and firearm licenses strong, and Florida's gun death rate is amongst the lowest in the country.

Bottom line...concealed carry is the answer to reducing crime NOT gun control.  Concealed carry could have done just that in these two incidents alone...James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter choose a movie theater that promoted itself as a 'gun free zone'.  There were theaters closer to him with larger seating capacities that allowed concealed carry, but mentally ill individuals do NOT want to be confronted with someone who is armed and could shoot back.  So instead he chose to do his nasty deed in a theater where he knew the movie goers would NOT be armed...just as the 'monster' in Newtown, Connecticut did when he chose to murder 27 people, 21 of which were children, in a 'gun free school zone'.

Again, concealed carry is the answer to reducing crime for even The Journal of the American Medical Association and the CDC has found that the Brady Bill, the most important piece of federal gun control legislation in decades, failed to reduce murder rates.  The Brady Bill (which established a national system for quickly checking the background of a prospective handgun purchaser) has had no statistically discernable effect on reducing gun deaths, according to Philip J. Cook, a Duke University professor of public policy, economics and sociology, who is regarded as the nation's foremost authority on gun control, who flat out said, "The Brady Bill seems to have been a failure."

The country's foremost gun control bill is a complete failure so why would any new bill do any better...it wouldn't.

And as for the dreaded 'assault weapon' being the gun of choice for shooters, gun statistics can't prove that because some sources track 'gun deaths' (a combination of accidental shootings, suicides and homicides) rather than the type of firearm used in the related death, and those that do often group all rifles together, so there is no differentiation noted between hunting rifles and so-called 'assault rifles.'  Also, homicides are only tracked if they're known, and guns used in self-defense but NOT fired are NOT tracked...so for example, we have NO way of truly knowing how many would-be rapists turned and ran when a gun was drawn.

When a gun was drawn...NOT like that idiot representative in Colorado who said to blow a whistle, pee, vomit, or tell the would-be rapist you have a 'disease.'

Why then are facts, logic and common sense so hard for Obama and his fellow miscreants in DC and the 'blue states' so hard to understand...why...because stopping crime is NOT their objective and NEVER was for if it were they'd be working their butts off to come up with ways to stop criminals from getting guns NOT getting down the backs of law-abiding firearms owners with all this registration and magazine limitation nonsense...and this just proves that their true objective is indeed disarming 'We the People'...the world's largest militia.

And disarmament starts small with the left bloviating that background checks and gun registration will be the panacea to solve everything, but the wise words of NRA/CEO Wayne LaPierre stick in my mind..."This so-called universal background check that you're hearing about all over the media...is aimed at one thing: It's aimed at registering your guns...And when another tragic opportunity presents itself, that registry will be used to confiscate your guns."

LaPierre continues that the lefts assault on our unhindered right to bear arms is "the single most devastating attack on the Second Amendment that this country has ever seen."

And how right he is on all accounts.

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of them people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

So says the Second Amendment and in 1897, the US Supreme Court ruled in Robertson v. Baldwin that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms is not infringed by laws prohibiting the carrying of concealed weapons."  On June 26, 2008, the US Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 in District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment guarantees "the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation.”  This meaning is strongly confirmed by the historical background of the Second Amendment, and that the Bill of Rights included a guarantee of the personal right to own a gun.  On June 28, 2010, the US Supreme Court again ruled 5 to 4 in McDoanlad v. Chicago that the findings in District of Columbia v. Heller apply to the state and local governments in addition to federal jurisdictions like DC.

So logic and these Supreme Court rulings should have ended all debate on gun control, but of course it hasn't for again the lefts true agenda is NOT gun control but gun confiscation.  And so it begins one state at a time as the New Jersey Assembly's Democratic majority recently passed 22, YES 22, gun-control bills to supposedly help curb gun violence.  22 bills are needed for criminals NOT to buy guns (as if a criminal goes into a store to buy a gun)...give me a break as they know as well as you and I that inanimate objects are NOT the cause of the violence...the individuals who pull the triggers are.

But NO matter as confiscating our guns state by state is the plan, but Obama's dream of disarming us will turn into Obama's nightmare if he and his cohorts so much as dare to try for 'behind every blade of grass...' just saying... 


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  1. Great op-ed.

    They can't confiscate all the guns unless they first know who has the guns.

    House-by-house searches & seizures won't be tolerated by the public, especially by those who don't own any guns.

    Even the most anti-gun liberal won't tolerate his house being searched for this purpose.

    Gun control advocates love to point to the low rate of gun murders in places like Britain and Japan, but what they conveniently ignore is the extremely high rate of murder using weapons such as knives, swords and hammers.

    Robbers, burglars, rapists and other violent criminals in those countries never fear having to stare down the barrel of a Glock 19 or Smith & Wesson 500, because they know that their intended victims are totally prohibited from owning those weapons of self-defense.

    Guns are the great equalizer. The old baseball bat under the bed, not so much.

  2. Gun control advocates have 1st Amnd rights on all this! Yet at what point does it become an assualt gainst the People/Consti-
    Full gun control or confiscation of assualt weapons(any gun) will
    be done by whom. Based on Constitution+many District/supreme court rulings when local law enforcement who would agree to confiscate is a Private army not
    one who Serves and Protects the citizens
