Thursday, February 14, 2013

Op-ed: The Grim Reaper cometh...and his name is Obama

The Grim Reaper cometh...and his name is Obama
By: Diane Sori

There is NO other way to say it except come right out with it so here goes...Barack HUSSEIN Obama is a bigot.  He hates white people...he hates rich people...he hates successful people...but above all he hates seniors, the elderly, the sick, and the unborn.

We all know that as a Senator this man voted in support of partial birth abortion, and for the letting die of any child who happens to survive this brutal procedure.  I call it murder but what do I know for in Obamanation it seems anything goes, and the value of a child's life means close to nothing.

And we all know that this man personally finds the sick, seniors, and the elderly a burden on his so very wanted European socialist-styled version of America, because taking care of the sick, seniors, and the elderly requires monies that could instead be going for the 'loyality and allegiance buying' he does with all his freebies and handouts.

This man, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, the architect of the monstrous health care plan known as ObamaCare (which is NOTHING more than the mother of all taxes), with it's rationed medicine and death panels, was one of the focuses in Tuesday's State of the Union Address.  Stating that health care reform was key to reducing long-term government debt, and by signaling out the “rising cost of health care for an aging population” this simply means watch out for what's coming next, because it won't be pretty.

'The rising cost of health care for an aging population' other words, seniors and the elderly are a burden on his and his minions newly-defined America.

Now this is scary...a few short months ago Obama administration advisor Steve Rattner, the so-called 'car czar,' stated in NO uncertain terms,“We need death panels” and insisted that rationing must be done to sustain Obama’s health-care plan.  Rattner, who specifically targeted the elderly, claimed that restricting medical spending on said elderly, especially on those in their last year of life, will save the government countless millions, because current treatment and palliative care “consumes more than a quarter of the [Medicare] program’s budget.”

For this miserable excuse of a man it's all about the dollar, and the hell with the human beings at the receiving end of his dangerous rhetoric.

And just as scary is the proposal of Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, a former White House health care advisor (and the brother of the infamous Rahm Emanuel), who continues to push for 'rationed medicine' based on criteria like a patients age, expected 'quality adjusted life years' (the cost-benefit of applying a particular medical procedure, and how it reflects the quality and quantity of life added due to incurring that particular medical expense), and the patient’s so-called 'instrumental value to society.'

And guess who would make these decisions...Barack HUSSEIN Obama's hand-picked panel of judge, jury, and executioners...those he anoints to be demi-Gods will decide who's worthy of treatment and a chance at life, and those whose life must end.  Simply, a person's life worthiness is decided by government bureaucrats, and this is the polar opposite of the Founders’ intention that our government be the people’s servant, not their 'lord and master.'

Also with this comes so-called 'Observation Units', special wards set-up in hospitals or independently, where instead of a person receiving immediate ER treatment or hospital admission it will be the norm for those Obama appointed demi-Gods to peruse at will the people in these wards as they and they alone decide who will get treatment and be saved, and who will be expendable.

Silly me, and here it was I always thought that it was God who decides when a person's life will come to an end, but again what do I know as all rules of decency and morality have been overturned in this new America known as Obamanation.

It's so sad when you think about it that in Obamanation seniors and the elderly are now viewed as human refuse, a burden to be disposed of at will.  So different than in the Orient where the old are honored with respect, revered for their wisdom, and sought after for the knowledge they can pass down to the young. The old are NOT thrown away as trash or viewed as a commodity whose 'value to society' determines their worthiness of life.

But the bottom line remains that with Barack HUSSEIN Obama bloviating at the State of the Union that health care reform is indeed key to reducing long-term government debt, and specifically tying it into the “rising cost of health care for an aging population” this man has made it very clear that seniors and the elderly better sleep with one eye open at all times...just saying...

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  1. It is too late to post ,why you didn't post on the campaign trail to help Mitt.The good America lover never believed Obama, because he didn't know any thing about the economy and job creation,Obama philosophy is not like the American style, we want America for prosperity but Obama want to change to socialism that the government just care about themselves, they don't care what the people will be, so the American people had never known the taste of communist so now they got what they deserved.

  2. First, Ohio Joe thanks, And second, as a volunteer om ROMNEY'S campaign I spoke and wrote against Obama's policies every chance I had. NOT my fault the sheeple and kool-aders didn't listen.
