Saturday, February 16, 2013

Op-ed: Chuck Hagel...a war hero fallen from grace

Chuck Hagel...a war hero fallen from grace
By Diane Sori

Decorated Viet Nam vet Chuck Hagel's nomination to be Secretary of Defense is in trouble...BIG finally the Republicans got it right and stalled his nomination, at least temporarily anyway.

And while Obama has the right to pick the members of his cabinet, our Constitution doesn't give him carte blanche to do so, and with that, on Thursday, much to 'Prince Harry's' chagrin, the Senate failed to get enough votes to stop a filibuster against Hagel, as 58 senators voted to move the nomination forward, while 40 voted to stall it.

Needing 60 votes to stop any filibuster, all but four Republicans united together in opposition to Hagel, and this delay now gives them more time to get answers, and rightfully so, from a man who still has to tell the truth about what he knows about Obama's part in the lack of response to the attack at Benghazi...a man who has many times made anti-Semitic and anti-Israel remarks in public...a man who has backed a two-state solution including the division of Jerusalem...a man who still needs to answer questions about speeches he's given to controversial Arab-American groups like the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and James Zogby’s Arab American Institute...a man who in 2009 was one of eight to sign a report to Obama recommending that the United States shift 'its objective from ousting Hamas to modifying its behavior'... a man who the Iranian Foreign Ministry supports and endorses...a man who has gone from supporting to opposing the Iraq War and surge...a man who still needs to disclose the sources of the (large) income he's made since leaving the Senate.

And here's one right out of Agenda 21's playbook as Chuck Hagel wants the United States to create a 'new world order' by reforming and reshaping international organizations to take into account the rise and power of countries like China, India, and Brazil.

Now that is scary in and of itself as this man will sell America out to the U(seless) N(ations) in a heartbeat.

Also troublesome for many Republicans is the fact that in 2008 Hagel vehemently claimed, "The Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people” an accusation that he could NOT give even one example of during his embarrassing unfocused performance (and what a performance it was) at his confirmation hearing. And even more troublesome is that Hagel has called Iranian madman Ahmadinejad and his Iranian regime legitimate...legitimate even while they continue to publicly call for Israel to be wiped off the map. And NOT to be forgotten is that Hagel has outwardly opposed any and all sanctions against Iran, believing Israel is at fault for all the trouble in the Middle East, even going so far as to have accused the State Department of taking orders from the Israeli Foreign Ministry in a March 2, 2007 speech he gave at Rutgers University.

And Hagel NEVER changed or even toned down his anti-Jewish stance since proving himself to be an outright anti-Semite when he was the ONLY senator from either party that refused to sign a 1999 letter to former Russian President Boris Yeltsin asking that action be taken against rising Russian anti-Semitism, and who in 2006 described Israel’s war against Hezbollah as “the systematic destruction of an American friend, the country and people of Lebanon”
Says a lot about where his loyalties lie and it 'aint with our ally and friend Israel that's for sure.

Even knowing all this Barack HUSSEIN Obama still stands by Chuck Hagel's nomination and why not...Hagel hates Israel and the Jews as much as he does...Hagel is covering up information about the attack at Benghazi and the murders of our people just like he is...and Hagel will willingly side with the muslims at every opportunity, just like he does...birds of a feather in more ways than you can imagine.

And what did our fearless leader (gag) do when he found out Hagel's nomination was stalled, Obama whined like a little baby saying, "We've never had a Secretary of Defense filibustered before; there's nothing in the Constitution that says somebody should get 60 votes.” NO there isn't but remember, the Democrats held up every one of Bush's nominations for a 60 vote approval.

Oh boo-hoo...payback's a b*tch 'aint it Barry.

But even with all this, sadly muslim-loving, anti-Israel Chuck Hagel will probably become the next Secretary of Defense when the Senate reconvenes after the recess for the simple reason the Democrats outnumber the Republicans in the Senate, and the same four turncoat senators (Mike Johanns of Nebraska; Thad Cochran of Mississippi; Susan Collins of Maine; and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska) who voted with the Democrats to stop the filibuster have already said they will vote for Hagel's confirmation...four traitors NOT only to the party but to America for now Barack HUSSEIN Obama will have a cabinet full of muslim sympathizers to help him move forward his agenda of destroying America, stabbing our ally Israel in the back, all the while strengthening the nations of his muslim brethren.

How our Founding Fathers must be turning over in their graves...

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