Friday, February 15, 2013

New Military Medal stirs controversy among Veterans

It's called the 'Distinquished Warefare Medal':
There was a time in our nation’s military history when a service member actually had to earn their medals. Those days are quickly fading as America transitions into the “everybody gets a medal” culture. The latest military honor program degrades those who served before us and those who actually earned their awards and decorations. 
According to the Marine Corps Times, the Defense Department has come up with a new medal known as the Distinguished Warfare Medal. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has said, “This award recognizes the reality of the kind of technological warfare we are engaged in the 21st century.” There is an issue about this award however causing uproar among many combat veterans.
The Defense Warfare Medal will soon become the fourth highest combat decoration in order of precedence pushing the Bronze Star down a notch to the fifth highest combat decoration. Recognized as the third highest award stands the Distinguished Flying Cross. 
Should an award be given to those who never face the enemy in physical confrontation actually be positioned just below the Distinguished Flying Cross? Many veterans believe not.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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