Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Former Florida Gov Jeb Bush Speech at the Saint Leo 4th Annual International Business Conference (Full Speech 02-14-13)

Jeb Bush wouldn't say Wednesday night whether he's likely to run for president in 2016, but at Saint Leo University he did suggest a surprising role model for the sort of president he'd strive to be: Lyndon Johnson. 
No, the conservative former Florida governor didn't hail Johnson's Great Society initiatives. Instead, he hailed Johnson's forceful, hands-on leadership that, among other things, produced a 25 percent across-the-board income tax cut. 
"He went and he cajoled, he begged, he threatened, he loved, he hugged, he did what leaders do, which is they personally get engaged to make something happen," said Bush, who recently read Robert Caro's latest Johnson biography.
Read the full Story HERE and view the entire speech below:

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  1. Let's hope he doesn't run.

  2. you just don't care about the country so you don't want Jeb to run, just remember that Obama is a good speaking but can't lead the country for prosperity because he had no experienced to run the country, instead he make the country worse and poorer than 4 years ago and even will worse and poorer in the next 4 more years,now the people are crazy for good speaking but they ignored good experienced and good leading leadership Mitt Romney, Jeb was a good experienced leader that can lead the country for a better America, he is not some one as good talking and laughing speaking like Obama but he can be a better president than Obama.

  3. I hope Jeb does run in 2016 so that he SPLITS UP the pro-illegal immigration RINO vote even further than it already is with Rubio and Christie probably in the race as well.
