Tuesday, February 12, 2013

25% of Americana have raided their 401(k)s

High unemployment and underemployment forced one in four Americans to pull money out of a retirement plan to make ends meet. 
Not even the high penalties that make it prohibitive to tap into 401(k) accounts were a deterrent as a record $60 billion was yanked from nest eggs to pay for mortgages, car loans and credit card debts. 
Those are some of the conclusions of a recent study by online financial-guidance service HelloWallet. The study shows that saving and retaining money for a secure retirement are becoming more difficult.
The study shows that pre-retirees are breaking into retirement accounts, taking out billions of dollars. They are spending on average some 40 percent of the money that was supposed to be for their golden years on the here-and-now. 
“Over 25 percent of households that use a 401(k) or a similar defined-contribution plan have used some or all of their retirement saving for nonretirement needs,” according to the report. The study relied on Census and Federal Reserve Board data.
Read the rest of the article HERE.

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  1. This is one of the most telling things of all! Thanks for sharing.


  2. That was the hope and change from Obama policy and the benefit from Obama voters, thank you so much guy, Americas are not the world super power, oh Obama's father dream was come true.
