Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Superb Mitt Romney

Jay Nordlinger is my favorite writer at National Review. Today, he set the record straight on Mitt Romney. Read it, and weep.
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  1. Yes, and Romney has been amazing in the full 8 weeks post election in explaining his side, speaking to the 60+ million that voted for him, and the copious amount of grassroot helpers etc. He's everywhere post election, explaining and thanking all of the time.

  2. Great Article Martha.

    Nordlinger hit this one out of the park!

  3. Welcome back Martha... I was wondering if you were still interested in politics, at all, after your man Mitt lost the election.

    I can honestly say I didn't read the article, you linked to, because I don't really care. It's a shame that a better Republican did not run this time around because exactly what I said was going to happen did. Gingrich might've done a little better but he probably would have lost as well. However, I did think that Romney was going to be a little more competitive than I originally thought... it looks like even when I am wrong, I am right.


  4. Jersey, I'm sorry, but you are simply wrong. We nominated the best person--by far, who still lost. Because America is lost. We will never have a better nominee than Romney, and it's a crying shame America rejected him. We are going to pay for it in compounded misery, hardship and foolishness that was completely unnecessary.

    I saw Newt out there the other day saying he would have done better. Ha ha ha. Now that is truly delusional.

    Anyway, nice to see you. I hope you are well.


  5. Welcome back, Martha! America missed out. No one, and I truly mean NO ONE would have done better than Mitt. Not Gingrich, not Santorum, not even the great goddess from the arctic. Mitt filled the stadiums. But in the end, it came down to the far right having their little hissy with the sissy's, and the far left with their targeted voter fraud.

  6. He certainly failed to chose a superb running mate. Anyways, ironically, Mr. Romney might be the last GOP Presidential candidate I ever vote for. As bad as he was, at least he was an American. Mr. Ryan has shown such hatred for the American tax-payer that I am almost ashamed to be an American. I am tempted to just vote for local candidates and not vote at all for any Federal candidate after yesterday.

    I hope you had a better Christmas and New Years, Martha than the rest of the party.

  7. 'Conservative' commentator Mark Levin recently admitted on his radio talk show that "millions of his listeners stayed home[did not vote] on November 6th because Romney was a RINO."

    Well, Levin is half right.

    Millions of conservatives did indeed stay home on election day( probably costing Romney the election), but did so because they MISTAKENLY BELIEVED that Romney was a RINO, due largely to the propaganda, slander and lies of Levin and other talk radio clowns during the 2012 GOP primaries.

    The same talk radio clowns who wholeheartedly ENDORSED Romney as "A TRUE CONSERVATIVE" 4 years earlier during the 2008 GOP primaries.

    If talk radio clowns like Mark Levin are looking for someone to blame for Obama's re-election, the very first place they should look is in the mirror.

  8. I'm thinking that people stayed home twice because they are done with RINO's. Romney may not have been a RINO, but you sure couldn't tell by the way he spoke and did things, especially in prior elections.

    I thought he ran a great campaign. But ultimately, he shied away from true conservative principles many times. I did think his strategy with Medicare was superb. It really was a stroke of genius. Yet, he kept backing down on many issue. Benghazi, the 47%, SS, Obama's evilness, etc.

  9. @ MrX

    Yes, Romney's fall campaign was far from perfect, but I think he still would have won if not for the ABR(Anybody But Romney) campaign conducted by talk radio and Fox News during the GOP primaries.

    While self-described 'conservative' media were bashing and trashing Romney throughout 2011 and early 2012, the liberal mainstream media were promoting and protecting Obama, just as they had 4 years earlier during the 2008 Democratic primaries.

    That, IMHO, is the number one reason why Romney lost to Obama on November 6th.

  10. Thank you for posting this, Martha. I agree that Mitt is probably one of the finest men who has run for President. Our country needed to be given a real opportunity to choose the good, and we blew it. What is ahead for its now does not look good to me. People think we will be like Europe, but I believe Americans have known too much freedom for that. Whatever happens it probably won't become like Europe. I am encouraged when I think that. We are still American, and we are not and will not become Europeans.


  11. Thanks for all the comments everyone! AZ, and Newark, so true.

    OJ, I'm glad you voted for Mitt, but I don't understand your feelings about Paul Ryan. He is a fine man.

    I agree that talk radio and other conservative pundits, plus religious right leaders made it nearly impossible for Romney to emerge as a viable candidate from the primary. It was brutal and never ending. Plus Newt, Rick and Rick went more below the belt than anything I'd ever seen. The last death knell was Christie hugging Obama and saying the election didn't matter.

    Plus, apparently many Americans are basically just plain stupid.

    So sad! but I wish you all the best this next year.


  12. It's nice to see the new Christie. He was one of my favs, but not now. I'm glad he's revealing his true character. No wonder Mitt didn't choose him for VP. Smart guy.


  13. "but I don't understand your feelings about Paul Ryan. He is a fine man." Because he is to the Left of even Mr. Romney. Americans are now taxed like Europeans thanks to clowns like him.

    "It was brutal and never ending." Yeah because your guy spent more time attacking Republicans than he did Mr. Obama and now we have Mr. Obama as President. You guy refuse to run TV ads against him and now the country is in a mess.

    BTW, we told that Mr. Christie was a loose cannon, but you were too per-occupied to listen.

  14. OJ, I knew he was a loose cannon, but I liked him anyway. I don't mind that, in fact it was kind of refreshing. But the man has poor judgment-- and that is why I will not be supporting him in 2016.


  15. At least Ryan never quit his job to pursue a career in TV and reality shows. :)

  16. Hey, is Romney doing an interview today, you know, for the 60 million + that voted for him, the many, many that did grasroots for him, to discuss the election, thoughts, what went wrong etc? No. thought not.

  17. OhioJOe is correct about the Ryan vote on the fiscal cliff. Dire. In addition, yes, Christie is just so bad for wanting aid to his state where thousands lost homes and many are still stranded. He should get his priorities straight- who the hell does he think he is to want aid to the people of his state to rebuild after a natural disaster, and also to smack down a broken congress. I agree with others round-about opinions on here- he should care less about the people of his state and more about the politics. lol, the opinions of people on here never fails to make me chuckle.

  18. RomneyMan, I heard the bill was full of pork. Is that true? Could that possibly be why they delayed the vote until Thurs?

    Christie is all for Christie. My guess is that he was upset at being turned down for VP. He killed whatever chance Romney still had of winning the election. So we have him to thank for 4 more years of foolishness.

    This nonsense about doing what is best for his state is just a tad naive.


  19. Yes, there are pork issues flying about, but both sides are saying different things. Here's one particular link, from a conservative angle:

    " My guess is that he was upset at being turned down for VP." I wouldn't fall for all of that bad loser junk. I mean, he was blasting yesterday for what? Because he didn't get on a ticket that ended up losing? lol

    " So we have him to thank for 4 more years of foolishness." lol, so Chris Christie is responsible for an OB 2nd term? Yes, it had nothing to do with demographics, the pitful Romney campaign *team*, OB's popularity in that many Americans genrally like him- and didn't relate to Romney,,Romney not ploughing his own bucks into it in the summer when OB was defining him,,Romney not exciting the base for whatever reason (nor Ryan the 'biggest phase ever' non-existing t-pary exciter), not mentioning anything that would show balls,,Benghazi etc, listening to the gospel of *advisors* that had lots of prior experience of losing elections,,etc etc. No, it was Christie that lost it for him lol.

  20. RomneyMan,

    There is evidence from polls that Christie /Sandy did indeed give Obama the last push over the finish line.

    But I also believe that no matter how great Romney is/was, or how great or even perfect our next nominee is, we don't stand much of a chance because the American people are idiots who want free stuff--even if if means their country goes down the drain.


  21. Christie palling up with OB don't miraculoulsy get droves of minorities out to the polls, thinking 'hey, I wasn't going to vote, but I like the way that a NJ Gov-whom I really haven't a clue who he is as I can't stand politics- and the President shake hands'. 'Yes, I can't wait to vote now'.

    I agree with your last paragrpah though.

  22. Thanks for posting the article's good to hear from you again.

    The speed that Romney has been thrown under the bus by the right has been quite breathtaking, yet it was also predictable. I've never been able to understand the amount of negativity Romney garnered from all corners of the political spectrum. He's classy, professional, giving, kind, and wicked smart. His wealth obviously generated perceptions that are hard to break especially when you have the entire democratic party and our state-run media pushing the same "out-of-touch" message.

    Rommey's campaign wasn't perfect...but NO CAMPAIGN has ever been perfect and EVERY strategy has benefits and risks. Romney employed a strategy and stuck to it, but he would have needed a lot more mainstream cheerleaders to break the negative perception that was carefully crafted by the right and the left since the day he lost the nomination in 2008.

    Romney was a leader...not a politician. I'm not sure if we have any leaders in the GOP right now. We have some congressmen that can speak well...some governors who seem to be doing some good things...but I don't think we'll ever see ANY candidate again with Romney's 40+ years of leadership experience.

    I won't be a participant in tearing the party apart next cycle in what will once again be an ugly and bitter primary fight. The stage is already being set to further diminish the strength of the center-right coalition that we'll need to EVER win again. Things in America are changing too quickly and the complacency and laziness of the American voter seems to be at an all time high...we don't win when Americans are complacent and lazy...and expecially when we can't even stop from eating our own.

    Thanks Again's been fun getting to know you on this site.


  23. Martha is correct.

    In election exit polls, 40% of voters said that Obama's response to Hurricane Sandy, including the lavish praise he received from Republican Governor Chris Christie, was a factor in their voting decision. 15% said it was a MAJOR FACTOR.

    If those exit polls are accurate, then Sandy/Christie could easily have been responsible for Obama's re-election.

  24. Romney won Independent voters by 5 points. My hunch is that he would've won them by 15-20 points, and the election too, if not for Sandy/Christie.

  25. Hello again Gordon! I agree with you--of course. :0)


    People tend to discount it, but the polls are hard to argue with.


  26. BTW, I've got to go get myself some more guns. Our sons made off with the 3 we had when they left home. Hubby wants them back now, heh heh.


  27. There were a number of national polls BEFORE Sandy/Christie that showed Romney with a 15-20 point lead among Independent voters.

    Sandy/Christie clearly had a HUGE IMPACT on the Indie vote.

  28. The good man always got killed as Jesus had been killed, but after that till today his good manner and his philosophy still alive and all over the world are praying him every days, Mitt lose because he was too good, too perfect, too success, to much experienced, no one in this world ever had experienced more than Mitt, he lose by his 47%,I don't concern about the poor,I like to fire people, and final was by Christ,he didn't get the VP ticket so he revenged Mitt by stand with Obama side tour the Sandy damaged, he just care about himself, he didn't care about the republican party, these 4 issues caused Mitt defeat, the true Mitt is not loser, but the American people are the loser, they will get poor and poorer than 4 years ago, because Obama won't success by Obama lack leadership and in-experienced,the 47 million food stamp will stay on food stamp, the 23 million unemployment will stay there or may be up but Mitt got a good job at his old office.

  29. @ Anonymous 4:01 PM

    Well said, especially the part about Chris Christie.

  30. I guess Christie never got the memo that it would be A LOT BETTER FOR NEW JERSEY if Romney was POTUS for the next 4 years instead of Obama.

  31. Newark hawk, yeah, because he did get the memo that if Romney was not elected POTUS it woud be a A LOT BETTER FOR CHRIS CHRISTIE in 2016.


  32. Christie gave Obama his ONLY bipartisan moment of his entire presidency. That occurance certainly didn't help with the late deciding independents who got to see Obama delivering on the idea that got him elected president in the first place...that he'd be a post-partisan president. It showcased Obama doing the only thing that Obama does really well...appear sympathetic to the "regular folks" with plenty of speeches and his always impressive "camera ready" personna.

    The storm itself is what cuased Romney the biggest hurdle that final week...not necessarily Chris Christie. Election coverage went dead for five of the last 7 days of the campaign when the final arguments would have been getting ALL of the attention and ALL of the headlines in the newspapers and across the web. Instead of spending the last week talking about the election, the "regular folks" were overwhelmed with sympathy and care for those in Sandy's path and the water cooler talks and dinner table discussions shifted to something that certainly did seem to be more important than "politics." The cammpaign was essentially dead during the final week except for the Red Cross commercial featuring Obama got non-stop coverage on every cable channel that entire weekend. Obama comes across as real and sincere when he's in front of a camera, and him having that platform the last week was a harsh reality to face for this Romney supporter.

    Romney had a big vision closing Argument and Obama had a very small, "Romney is a lying, liar" argument to push.

    It probably didn't cost the election for Romney, but I think it lost us a couple of the swing states. Romney lost for a myriad of reasons, but I think the most glaring one is that the left and right had both so successfully denegrated and villified the perception of Romney to the point that no one could truly "love" Mitt. While Romney was a more than cabable communicator, he didn't have the ability to go onto Leno or Letterman and truly leave a mark because he always seemed to have a hard time coming across as genuine and sincere...his professionalism overpowered his charisma and unfortunately, America seems to crave "cool" more than competence. Romney's skill set was EXACTLY what the country needed, but his skillset was not what the election required to topple the most corrupt Regime in American History.

    I hope that Romney will be like a fine wine and that his stature and prominence will strengthen with time. He has soooo much to offer and it would be a shame if his legacy is completely trashed just because a bunch of people on the right KNOW exactly how to win every election and poiting fingers at failure is far easier than accepting a loss.

    Sorry for the long post, but Martha's article had got me thinking about Mitt a lot the past two days.


  33. I never agreed with the media narrative that "Romney is not likable", "Romney is stiff", "Romney is not genuine", "Romney is awkward", "Romney is not charismatic".

    To me, Romney always seemed THE EXACT OPPOSITE of what the media claimed he was.

    Just like when they called Romney "a flip-flopper", "a moderate", "a RINO" and "an establishment Republican" - even a quick look at his record revealed that he was none of those things either, especially when compared to other Republican presidential candidates, both past and present.

    The media's false narrative about Romney always reminded me of the famous quote by Joseph Goebbels, Adolph Hitler's propaganda minister: "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth."

    For tens of millions of voters, the media's lies about Romney did indeed become the truth.

  34. "Just like when they called Romney "a flip-flopper", "a moderate", "a RINO" and "an establishment Republican" - even a quick look at his record revealed that he was none of those things either" lol. 'I will protect a woman's right to choose'. Standing outside power stations saying they kill, climate change, editing books to take out key words on Romneycare (model for the nation), etc etc etc

  35. @ RomneyMan

    You CONVENIENTLY left out the rest of the sentence that you quoted, the part where I wrote "especially when compared to other Republican presidential candidates, both past and present."

    I challenge you to name a serious Republican presidential contender in the last 40 years who was more CONSISTENTLY CONSERVATIVE than Romney was.

    And please, don't even think of saying Ronald Reagan, because Reagan had more liberal positions and flip-flops than Romney could ever dream of having.

    As for the specific examples of Romney's so-called "flip-flopping" that you cited, the only one that has even a grain of truth to it is the abortion flip-flop, but even here Romney KEPT HIS PROMISE TO THE PEOPLE OF MASSACHUSETTS that he would protect a woman's right to choose during his term as governor.

    Nice try, RomneyMan, try again. But next time, make sure you get your facts straight and your quotes straight before posting your comment.

  36. Newark Hawk -- Very concise and astute comments. I, too, agree with your assessment of Mitt Romney. From what I can tell, those supposed "flip-flops" all came about because of promises made to the people of Massachusetts, which he honored explicitly. When he ran on the national stage, he stated his personal philosophy as he envisioned for the American people and was called a "flip-flopper". To me, his integrity in keeping his promise to his Massachusetts constituents was not only admirable but rare in today's politcal "convenience" environment.

    I also have to agree that we have probably lost what amounted to a "golden" opportunity for a real leader in American politics in trade for what only could else be described as a "sham" act. The actor on stage right now portrays exactly what is required to perform the "play", but represents no real substance, presents no real agenda and plots no enduring legacy.
