Monday, January 28, 2013

Paul Ryan speech at the National Review Institute Summit (Full video 01-26-13)

Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) spoke at the National Review Institute Summit in Washington, DC. on Saturday. He talked about the future of the Republican Party and the strategies it should use in opposing President Obama’s second term policies. He also discussed why he voted to pass the recent fiscal cliff legislation earlier this year:

If you'd like to read the full text of his speech, go HERE.

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  1. I read his speech and didn't watch it, but I think he makes a lot of sense, which is why I like him so much. He's in the Romney mold of prudence.

    The 2012 election was considered winnable when in truth it was not so much. Romney is blamed, but he was not the problem, and its going to take Republicans a while to figure that out.

    So when I see everyone start to get excited about 2016, I think they are naive to think we have a shot.

    2014, yes we have a shot to make some ground, but probably not much.


  2. Last time I checked the history books, REPUBLICAN George W. Bush won the U.S. presidential election in 2000, and then was re-elected in 2004.

    That was not all that long ago, so please, let's stop with all the "Romney never had a chance" nonsense.

    If I recall correctly, the vast majority of Romney supporters on this blog were HIGHLY OPTIMISTIC about Romney's chances heading into election day, with many of those supporters even admitting that they are still in a "state of shock" over his defeat.

    The notion that the 2012 presidential election was not winnable for the GOP may be comforting to Romney loyalists, but to more objective observers, it is simply revisionist history.

    Romney lost by 4 million votes, not 14 million votes.

    A few changes here and there in strategy and tactics by Team Romney could have EASILY made up that vote differential.

    There's lots of blame to go around for Romney's defeat, and Romney himself certainly deserves his share of it.

    I still believe that Romney was far and away the best candidate that the GOP had to offer in 2012, even though I was extremely disappointed by his poorly managed, poorly run fall campaign.

  3. If Republicans REALLY want something to get all doomy and gloomy about, take a close look at the "comprehensive immigration reform" proposal being pushed by the ENTIRE Democratic Party, with much-needed help from Republicans John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan(yes, that Paul Ryan).

    This proposed amnesty legislation would legalize 10 to 20 million illegal immigrants and provide them with citizenship and voting rights.

    This misguided attempt to appeal to Hispanic voters is POLITICAL SUICIDE for the GOP, because poll after poll shows that the number one issue for Hispanics is the continuation and expansion of government assistance programs like welfare, food stamps, medicaid, rent subsidies and unemployment insurance, NOT "comprehensive immigration reform."

    We've seen this movie before, when in 1986 Ronald Reagan and the rest of the GOP supported the Immigration Reform and Control Act(IRCA), which provided citizenship and voting rights for millions of illegal Hispanic immigrants.

    In the 1988 presidential election, Hispanics "rewarded" the GOP's benevolence towards illegal immigrants BY FLEEING THE PARTY IN DROVES, with George Herbert Walker Bush receiving only 30% of the Hispanic vote, 7 points less than the 37% that Reagan received in 1984.

    The only thing that amnesty for illegal immigrants accomplishes is to immediately import millions of pro-Democrat Hispanic voters, and millions more down the road through chain migration of immigrant family members.

    The GOP won the popular vote in 6 of 9 presidential elections PRIOR to Reagan's 1986 amnesty bill.

    But AFTER Reagan's 1986 amnesty bill, the GOP lost the popular vote in 5 of 7 presidential elections.

    If the current amnesty bill ever becomes law, the GOP might as well close up shop and go out of business, because its chances of winning future presidential, gubernatorial and senatorial elections will be virtually zero, zilch, nada.

  4. Newark, all I can say is I hope you are right about our chances in 2016!

    I disagree that a few tweaks here and there would have saved Romney. It's way more systemic than that, and that's why I remain pessimistic about anyone in 2016.

    Yes, Romney shares some of the blame, but I think it was mostly out of his hands, considering the media, the right wing media, the religious right, and the clueless public.

    Also, I am not as gloom and doom as you are about the immigration plan, although I do think you have some good points. I continue to believe that if we had done this way back in 2005 during the big demonstrations, we would be better off today. One of the big mistakes Romney made in the primary was to go after Perry on immigration. It locked him into an extreme position that he could not distance himself from in the general. That was about the only strategic mistake I think Mitt made.

    Anyway, thanks for your comments because I learn a lot from you.

