Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Realization of Proper Self Defense

My brother-in-law, Monte, related the following story. He makes a very good final point. A point that is lost on many gun control advocates.
True story--a couple of years ago Suzanne and I had a marital spat over the fact that I owned a gun for our family's protection. She was strongly opposed to guns and didn't like the fact I was taking my son to the gun range to practice shooting. A few weeks later we were sitting in church listening to a speaker read a letter from his missionary son in South America who described the aftermath of a recent earthquake--how looters and criminals targeted those with no means to protect themselves or their food and clothing supplies. Suzanne surprised me by leaning over and whispering in my ear that perhaps she was wrong and that we needed to have a way to defend ourselves and protect our loved ones and our food storage.
A few months later, she did some work for a client who taught gun classes, and she surprised me once again when she signed us both up for the classes and even traded part of her services in exchange for the gun classes. When we begin to understand that there are bad people out there who would not think twice about taking our possessions and even the lives of our loved ones and not feel bad about it, it lends clarity to the responsibility we have to defend ourselves and our families from those who would do us harm.
Emphasis added.

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  1. Now we just need victims of violence protection against false charges of mental illness to protect their right to bear arms

  2. Although self-defense is a perfectly valid justification for the right to carry & bear arms, The Second Amendment's primary purpose was to protect the citizenry from their own rulers, as was necessary during The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, and numerous other cases of despotism and tyranny throughout world history.

    Anyone who thinks that national crises of this sort aren't possible in 21st century America, simply isn't paying attention.

  3. The current push for more gun control brings to mind the famous quote of British historian Lord Acton: "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

    God help us if we ever allow Uncle Sam to be the sole possessor of guns and other weaponry.

  4. nh: I agree. It's a point I continually make in the gun control debate. Especially when gun control advocates try to bring up the "the founding fathers didn't have automatic weapons in mind" argument.

    Of course they had those weapons in mind. The most advanced gun of the day, the musket, was available to both government and citizen alike. They were on equal ground.

    Today? Not so much.

  5. @ Machtyn

    Good point about the perfectly legal musket being the most advanced gun during the time of our nation's founding.

    The Framers knew from firsthand experience the importance of having a fully armed & trained citizenry.
