Wednesday, July 18, 2012

VP Watch: Sen Rob Portman reacts to President Obama's Small Business Comments (Full video 07-17-12)

Rob Portman had this to say on Fox & Friends:

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  1. The comments that Obama made were just plain insulting. Long hours, no days off, using their own savings, taking huge risks,sometimes without a paycheck for themselves are what small business people do in this country. Obama needs to give hard working Americans who continue to do more than their fair share an apology. This outburst is the worst yet from a president who is obviously not proud of America.

  2. A small businessman works 16 hours a day, 7 days a week on average to get and keep his business running, and provide for his family, and pay his few employees. It does not matter which 16 hours though.....Obama is a dolt!
