Sunday, July 29, 2012

VP Watch: Marco Rubio returns to his elementary school in Las Vegas to stump for Romney (Full Video 07-28-12)

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio kept a crowd of more than 800 Mitt Romney supporters on their toes at a rally at Ronnow Elementary School on Saturday.

Rubio, who is considered one of the contenders to be Romney's vice president, spoke for more than 20 minutes. He had them giggling about his childhood spent at the school he attended from third through fifth grade, cheering about Romney’s economic principals and jeering at President Barack Obama’s stances.

Rubio said it meant a lot for him to return home to the assembly room of his old elementary school, where he once sat as a child, but also because Nevada is a key state in the election.
The full story is HERE and an amateur video of the event is Below:

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  1. Massachusetts ConservativeJuly 29, 2012 at 10:37 AM

    Rubio should be the VP if Mitt plans to shift the campaign from defining Obama to being uplifting, positive, and patriotic the way Reagan did it.

  2. Pawlenty is a great surrogate, but Rubio has the "WOW" factor none of the other VP choices possess.
    He will really gin up the base and bring excitement to the campaign and give Mitt a chance to take back a chunk of the critical Hispanic vote, as well as having appeal to younger voters.

    Rubio may be the difference in winning FL and picking off 2or3 Southwestern states.
