Sunday, July 8, 2012

The prize for the "WHO CARES" GOP announcement of the week goes to...

Former Governor of Utah and China Ambassador Jon Huntsman who announced to millions of indifferent Americans that he won't be attending the GOP's Convention in Florida.
“I will not be attending this year's convention, nor any Republican Convention in the future, until the party focuses on a bigger, bolder, more confident future for the United States. A future based on problem solving, inclusiveness and a willingness to address the trust deficit,”
Read the rest HERE...but only if you really want to.

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  1. What a piece of crap Huntsman is.

    And you're right, who cares.

  2. 你他媽的,博斯曼

  3. Maybe he's going to Charlotte instead as Biden's replacement?

  4. "Maybe he's going to Charlotte instead as Biden's replacement?"

    Wouldn't that be something?

  5. Bosman, I think I just set up your next post. ;)

    As for Huntsman, he seems to have lost touch. Perhaps he'll come back down to earth when the IRS starts taxing him to death.

  6. Sounds like Huntsman is being his usual spoiled brat rebellious self. As a Utah Governor I didn't like him then and I don't particularly like him now. Once a brat always a brat!

  7. Sour grapes anyone?


  8. Indifferent in SeatleJuly 7, 2012 at 7:02 PM

    "Maybe he's going to Charlotte instead as Biden's replacement?"

    Be careful what you wish for.

  9. "YAWN" Huntsman? Did I just miss something important? I didn't think so.

  10. Why announce your NON-attendance at the GOP convention, Mr. Huntsman, Jr.? The reason, Junior, is obvious. You are courting favor with: (1) Obama, (2) The Mainstream Media, (3) The Anti-Romney Elites. You have no future in today's Republican Party, anyway. Think about re-affiliating, Junior. Independent? Democrat? No one cares.

  11. I thought he endorsed Romney...

    Some endorsement! What a tool. Not only we don't give a flying toaster but you're not even making any sense.

    "until the party focuses on a bigger, bolder, more confident future for the United States"

    What the hell does that even mean? Are u saying Republicans are focused on a small, weak, less confident future? why? because you are being ignored by everyone, including voters?

  12. What a self rightous turd!

  13. Maybe he can't afford the trip because he still paying off his campaign debts?

  14. Huntman is so crooked that if he stood next cork screw he'd disappear and this is why the Huntsman family has close to a dozen companies in China that he was directly overseeing while he was supposedly acting as the Chinese Ambassador...what's wrong with this picture?

  15. Huntsman campaign trail piano jam for Obama
