Monday, July 16, 2012

President Obama to Business Owners: “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that,”

President Obama's Think Tank
President Obama insulted small business owners during a campaign stop in Roanoke, Va. on Saturday.

“If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that,” Obama told the crowd. “Somebody else made that happen.”

President Obama said successful Americans did not become successful on their own — they had help.

“If you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own,” he said. “You didn’t get there on your own.”
Read the rest of the story and a transcript of his speech HERE.

Watch a video of the speech below:

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  1. Isn't it funny that the media wasn't playing this sound byte this weekend. I guess this is another Obama talking point that will be swept under the rug.

    I don't know how anyone could stand there and say nothing when Obama insults business owners. Obama either has the dumbest of the dumb in his audiences or a bunch of paid off government and union employees

  2. Why isn't Romney and his team all over this?

    We know Romney has ball, why doesn't he start using them like he did with his GOP opponents?

  3. "Why isn't Romney and his team all over this?"

    Because they're a bunch of pansies.
