Wednesday, July 18, 2012

John Sununu vs Juan Williams on Hannity...Poor Juan (Full video 07-17-12)

The only thing that made any sense from Juan was when he pointed at Sununu and said with a flustered look of...Get me out of here...."That guy's a genius. Talk about being out of your league:

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  1. Sununu made an excellent point that gets lost in the hair-on-fire reactions I've seen (and been a part of).

    "Lots of countries of roads and bridges, but no place creates jobs like America."

  2. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that Sununu would make an excellent choice for VP?

  3. What a great Dick Cheney Sununu would make with NO BAGGAGE.

  4. obama's comment was so stupid. look at other countries who also have infrastructure, roads, schools,etc. Look at France, they have all those things, have asked for a fair share and the people are paying 75% in taxes. Look at Iceland. Look at Sweden where it's so hard to start your own business. The difference is that we are a free market society and if we over regulate, if we over tax, we will no longer be that.
