Monday, July 9, 2012

How I wish for the good old days and a Romney Presidency

When I listened to this story on Fox News, It reminded me of what life was like when I was growing up:

I grew up hearing lots of feel good stories like this. It wasn't out of the ordinary, like it is now.

My father instilled in my brothers and I a strong work ethic and "A penny Saved is a Penny earned." attitude.

It seems that now-a-days, everyone wants instant gratification. I'm sure that there are many out there that will look at this story and think, "What a nut this guy is...I don't like pennies...I throw them away." The thought of saving 63,000 of those things is beyond many of the younger generations immagination....Oh, and "look how long it took".

Things come TO EASY for many now. There is less appreciation for going the long hall and depending on one self for goals in life. Now-a-days it's easier for many to depend and pin their hopes on the Government. FORTUNATELY, the Government can't take care of everybody that wants to be taken care of.....So maybe there is hope?

Well,enough of my ramblings...Congratulations Mr. Daigle...job well done....and you did it all yourself.

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  1. >> Things come TO EASY for many >> now.

    Things are the same as they've always been.

    >> There is less appreciation
    >> for going the long hall and >> depending on one self for
    >> goals in life. Now-a-days
    >> it's easier for many to
    >> depend and pin their hopes on >> the Government.

    I respect conservatives who don't push the "God" BS on me or others.

    As for the ones that do, they either need to put up or shut up.

    Everything you say about government is exactly true about religion.

    The theory that morals beats hard work is laughable.

    The theory that being a good person is rewarded, when really all that matters is how hard you work; right or wrong never enters the equation.

    You are spot on, but you leave out the other side of the story.

    The "borrow from your parents" saving plan does not work for the majority.

    Its fine if you don't care about the majority, perfectly fine, just don't give us the God BS if you aren't going to practice it.

    I respect the honest conservatives, but I don't meet many. Usually they are just lying through their teeth, telling everyone to do one thing while they go do the opposite.

  2. Likewise, I respect the conservatives who don't use government to fund their false Gods.

    The ones who do are playing both sides of the fence.

    Can't have it both ways.

    I love how conservatives crucify those who actually practice the teachings they claim they believe in.

    Shows you what they really believe, and exposes them for who and what they are.

    Keep telling half the story. It is more enlightening than any dirt "the other side" could ever dig up.

  3. You story sounds like you might have grown up during the 50's or 60's like me.

    Leave it to Beaver, Lassie, Father knows Best, etc.

    Values were different back then. life centered around family and not ones IPOD and cellphones.

    The government was out of your life and dependency/help came from within the family unit.

    That's the difference now.

  4. BTW, thanks for sharing your personal thoughts on life

  5. The family unit has disintegrated in the past 40-50 years.

    There is no one in many families to pass down to their children what's really important in life.

    The current President doesn't push dependency on oneself either,

    Just the opposite.

  6. Check out the jewelry and cellphones on those in the videos waiting in line or expecting free money.

    it's all about priorities.

  7. Anon 1&2,

    No preaching...Just a few observations.

  8. Obama's got to go.

  9. Winning against obama in November will be won by reawakening the culture of ethics & self actualization. Since the LBJ regime of the mid-60's, "the Great Society," the culture in the US has deteriorated until we find ourselves idolizing pop culture, sexual fantasies, easy rewards for little effort, and entitlements for all as a basic right.

    The first two comments above, show how religion has been included in this process. If anyone wants to see a country under Socialism deprived of basic religious freedoms, here's your example. This was no long ago struggle, this happened just 80 years ago. The struggle for freedom & liberty goes on forever. Never forget that.

    I will fight for folks to be atheists, but will they fight for me as a Christian?

  10. The topic is freedom, and freedom is not separate from religion. The topic of freedom to worship according to the dictates of one's conscience is absolutely in the core of freedom's ideals. The slavery of black people in America tore apart the fabric of American society. America claimed that human rights come from God, not from the government. The ideal of freedom came from real religion. As Lincoln said, "If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong."

  11. I saw how this man and his wife paid off their mortgage and thought "good for them." My husband and I have been working to pay off ours, too. We would like to pay it off next year, but without a large promised bonus, it will probably take 2 or 3 more. We are considered foolish by many people for not buying a bigger and more expensive one now that housing prices have dropped so much. We want to own something to live in that the bank can't take away. What's wrong with that?


  12. AZ,

    " We are considered foolish by many people for not buying a bigger and more expensive one now that housing prices have dropped so much. We want to own something to live in that the bank can't take away. What's wrong with that?"


    If most Americans had thought like you, the housing bust in 08, would never have happened.

    The thought of purchasing something YOU CAN AFFORD rather than trying to impress everyone with something you can't afford seems OUT OF THE MENTAL CAPACITY of many Americans.

    As your circumstances improve and with the equity of a PAID FOR home, you will have a lot of options later on to purchase up if that's what you desire.

    Again, it goes back to what I mentioned in this piece...Instant gratification...not wanting to stay in for the long haul...IS A BIG PROBLEM in today's society.

    Many of those who laughed at you are HOUSE POOR, if they didn't walk away from their responsibilities like SO MANY DID!

  13. Nothing, except the government can take it away. And they keep on trying.

    I have a couple of friends who recently bought an acre of land in a somewhat run-down, but relatively safe, area. They got the house and a half-acre for $30,000, then bought the next half acre next to them for another $5,000. Rebuilt the small house on the plot (nothing was salvageable, they just rebuilt or replaced everything as needed.) They own the place free and clear and upfront.

    Now, if they can convince the others on the street to improve their station in life, they can actually vastly increase the value of that neighborhood. And it wouldn't be too hard to do.
