Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What is Wrong With Richard Lugar?

The Tea Party is about to claim another scalp in Indiana today. My fear is that Lugar's main sin was that he tried to be bipartisan. The lesson for Republicans across the country is that if you want to get elected, you must not try to work across the aisle or come up with solutions acceptable to the broader population. And you must certainly never, never, never, never take a position on any issue that is contrary to the beliefs of the Conservative Media Complex.

We have a nearly $16 trillion debt. In order to make meaningful reductions in that debt, we are going to need more than 30 angry Republicans declaring their position and then storming out of the room. We are going to need a supermajority of Republicans and Democrats who can make responsible compromises.

The future of our country depends on bipartisanship and compromise. The future of our country also depends on the Tea Party losing.

We need Richard Lugar.


  1. I have lived in Indiana for many many years. I voted today and I voted for Dick Lugar.

    I think there is a legitimate concern about his age, but the truth is here in Indiana Lugar is very much respected. I think that is why most of the commercials run by his opponent have not been that negative...they try to stress it is time for Lugar to retire. They know people do not want to see him humiliated or treated badly.

    My guess is that if Lugar loses today, we will lose the seniority that comes with his seat...we might lose the general and it is more than possible that the same people who supported Murdoch will turn on him before his first term is half way over.

    As for bipartisanship..I understand the argument that we need principle more than bipartisanship. I get that. But I do not think that bipartisanship is always unprincipled either. I also do not think that we can deal with reforming entitlements and balancing the budget without a certain amount of bipartisanship. Like it or not, it will take both parties to accomplish these things in a way that will make it possible to sustain the reforms.

    As for the Tea Party losing..well, not all the Tea Party people are that extreme. In fact, freshman members who are Tea Party have tended to vote with rank and file Republicans far more often than not.

  2. Lugar is a globalist and he also voted yes for Obama's stimulus package. I truly hope he loses the GOP primary. We really do not need any more politicians selling out the USA's best interests to pacify the UN.
    .....and I really have never been known to be an extreme right winger.

  3. Attached is a good article listing the treaties that Obama is trying to push through this year. Old Lugar is actively trying to push through the Sea treaty. This is what I was referring to in my earlier post. People really need to pay attention to these treaties.


  4. My only real beef with Lugar is the Law of Sea Treaty. That thing is a disaster waiting to happen.

  5. Look up the word "RINO" in the dictionary, and you'll see a picture of Richard Lugar.

    Lugar's support for The Dream Act was the last straw, the final nail in his political coffin.

    His impending defeat is long overdue.

  6. Career politicians like Richard Lugar are exhibit A in the argument for term limits.

  7. The seniority argument is really getting old (no pun intended). I've had enough of CAREER politicians! We need Lugar like we need Hatch...which isn't saying much! We need leaders in the senate, not career followers. We need people like:



  8. Whoops. Don't agree in this case. Lugar needs to be put out to pasture. Indiana will elect a qualified Tea Party youngster. Sharon Engle and Christine O'Donnell were miss fires. Otherwise the Tea party is doing fine.

  9. Massachusetts ConservativeMay 8, 2012 at 5:25 PM

    Pablo, come on man. Come on.

    Lugar is not fighting for conservative values. In fact, he's actively fighting against them. If I were in Indiana, after hearing about Lugar's desire to sell out American sovereignty to the UN, I'd vote his ass straight out of the Senate.

    Compromise is a BAD thing when you're compromising on how much we're going to sell out Americans.

  10. I am neither an Indiana voter nor a Tea Party member. I consider myself a fiscal and personal conservative, as well as a Republican. I appreciate the perspectives of those who know Richard Lugar as their U.S. Senator and/or have closely studied his record as a Republican moderate.

    Coming from the business world, however, I can offer only one knowledgeable comment: If an individual hasn’t accomplished his/her professional goals in 36 years, another 6 years will make no difference. In most professions other than politics (and tenured academic professorships), Lugar would have been given the golden handshake about 10 years ago. No hard feelings. No personal rejection. Just business as usual in this dynamic political, economic, and social ethos.

  11. Most of the money spent to defeat Lugar has come from out of state. The Democrats here in Indiana are rooting for Mourdock because they think Donnelly can beat him. If that happens and Indiana loses its Republican Senator I will blame Freedom Works.

  12. And the truth is Lugar is not some liberal either. I listen to people from other states talk about him and I can tell they are getting their information from pundits and bloggers who have an agenda of their own.

    I am not saying he is perfect, I am saying that Mourdock, the state Treasurer is not some born again conservative.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Nananana Nananana Hey ey ey goooood by. I used to like Mr. Lugar, but change is coming to the Midwest!

  15. I just hope we do not lose the Senate and get more Democrats elected.

  16. Terrye

    I usually agree with you but on this one, I respectfully disagree. Lugar's vote for the Obama stimulus is a fact, and his leading the charge for the UN Law of Sea Treaty is unforgivable. You should read more about what the treat entails, and I think you will probably have a better understanding of where people like me are coming from with regards to Lugar.

    I think Mourdock will have no problems in beating the Dem,especially if Governor Daniels campaigns with him. I also agree with another poster that Engles and O'Donnell were misfires when it comes to the Tea Party.

    Mourdock has won a state wide election in Indiana,which is a plus.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. "I just hope we do not lose the Senate and get more Democrats elected." That is what they said when Mr. Rubio won Florida and Dr. Paul won Kentucky.

  19. Ohio Joe..that is also what they said when after primaries in Nevada and Delaware and Colorado..and they were right.

    I am not saying that I always agree with Lugar on everything, but he is not a liberal..nor is he a friend of Obama.

    He has a perfect voting record and that means lots of votes and needless to say some of them are not going to be popular with everyone.

    But Lugar was pushing for an end to the IRS back when most people would not have considered such a thing.

    He is not a bad guy. But he is an old guy and to be honest, I think this vote is as much generational as anything else.

    But I do kind of resent people coming here from other states and spending all this money to oust a life long Hoosier like Lugar..and I am not sure that Mourdock will be anymore to their liking..not in the long run anyway.

  20. The Democrats in Indiana are rooting for Mourdock?

    So they say.

    Whomever the Democrats say they're rooting for in the GOP primaries, is actually whom they're rooting against.

    The Democrats said they were rooting for Ronald Reagan over Gerald Ford in 1976, because Reagan would be "easier to beat" in the general election.

    Again in 1980, the Democrats said they were rooting for Reagan over George Bush, because Reagan would be "easier to beat" in the general election.

    Never take ANYTHING the Democrats say at face value. They lie like they breathe.

  21. leighrow:

    Do you really think most hoosiers care about the Treaty of the Sea? I mean come on..that goes back to like 1982 and then there was another vote in 1994 or something. This is nothing new and earth shattering..I think it is kind of overblown.

  22. Lugar lost today. Good riddance!!!

  23. newark. I will vote for Mourdock when he runs against Donnelly, but the truth is the Democrats really are more concerned about running against Lugar...he usually beats the Democrat two to one. They would like to get rid of him.

    That does not mean they will win in November..but they would rather run against someone other than Lugar.

  24. Terrye,

    In order to be fair, you should point out the bad ESTABLISHMENT candidates as well. There have been plenty of those over the years. Furthermore, nobody has offered definitive proof that the others would have won in Deleware or Nevada.

    By the way, Luggie has received his share of outside help as well. In fact he outspent Mourdock by a margin of more than 2-1.

    Get off you effing high horse.

  25. Democrats are already starting to talk about how Mourdock thinks medicare and social security are unconstitutional...that he compared himself to Rosa Parks..and that he is a kook. They went so far as to compare him to that guy Bucks in Colorado who won the primary and was crushed in the general.

    But this is Indiana and people tend to be pretty sensible..but remember Obama won by less than a percent here in 2008. I hope the Democrats do not pull another upset.

  26. Lugar is known as Barack Obama's favorite Republican, and voted for both of his SC nominees.

    I think 36 years is enough. Now he can get that lucrative lobbying job he's probably always wanted.

  27. RWN:

    I am not on a high horse. I have lived and worked in Indiana for more than 35 years. I happen to think that gives me some right to vote for who I want to in my own state.

    Now unlike some people I can think of, I voted for my guy and he lost and now I will vote for the man who won the primary. I will not wish that he loses just so I can be right. I will not try to undercut him or claim that he cheated to win. But most of the money that Mourdock spent came from out of state. That is just a fact. They even talked it about it on Fox this evening.

    But that does not mean that I don't feel kind of bad for Lugar. He is an institution here and I think that even a lot of the people who voted for Mourdock actually admire the old guy.

  28. And you can say that Lugar was his favorite Republican..but I think that is crap. I live here RWN...Democrats in Indiana have been trying to beat Dick Lugar for decades. He has been Senator and before that he was mayor of Indianapolis. He was running against Democrats and beating years before there ever was a Freedom Works.

  29. Terrye,

    Apparently 60% of your fellow Indiana Republicans disagree with you. Out-of -staters aren't the ones sending Lugar back to Virginia for good.

  30. Lugar is 80 years old???

    C'mon, Terrye. It's time for the old man to make way for new blood.

  31. RWN:

    I never said that the outstaters were the ones who voted for Mourdock..are you dense?

    I said that the out of staters are the ones who funded Mourdock and they sent a lot of people here to work on his campaign..what the hell I just live here. Why would I know what is going on my state?

    The thing is in a contest there is a winner and loser. I voted for Lugar but I will now support Mourdock. I am just telling you that the Democrats think this a toss up now and they are already starting to work on Mourdock.

    I hope they do not succeed in making him look like a kook..but they will try.

    I am not saying that I think the people who voted for Mourdock are bad people or that he did not win because hoosiers voted for him.

    Considering the fact that Romney has won primary after primary and all you can do is like he somehow stole every one of those races I think you have your nerve acting as if I don't have right to support who I want to in my own damn state.

  32. RWN:

    You idiot..I said right up top there that I thought that Lugar's age was a problem for a lot of people. I never said otherwise.


  33. In fact, I think age will be a problem for Hatch as well.

  34. Here's the problem Pablo. Bipartisanship has basically been moderate Republicans bending over for the Democrats and saying, "please Sir, may I have another." Conservatives are tired of bending over to get things done. Richard Mourdock and tea pary conservatives will force the Democrats to start compromising. We've already seen this at play in the house. Paul Ryan has gotten Ron Wyden on board w/ medicare reform. When conservatives lead, America wins and reform can happen. When moderates and liberals get elected, we get 16 trillion in debt.

  35. I'm actually fine with Orrin Hatch. I've always liked him.

  36. For starters, Orrin Hatch wasn't on Obama's inaguration committee.

  37. In addition, Hatch voted NO on both Sotomayor and Kagan,

  38. It's foolish to bitch about the money Mourdock raised from out of state, when he was still outspent by more than 2-1, and still beat Lugar's wrinkled ass by 20 points.

    Do you realized how idiotic that sounds, Terry? You stupid fool....

  39. Well, they are after Hatch and his age is part of the problem. There is a generational issue here too.

    Lugar is not a liberal. He is center right and the people of Indiana and that includes the Republicans who live here have been willing to make him a Senator since 1977. So obviously, they do not think he is a commie or something.

    But they do think his time has passed and they want to give someone new a chance to do that job. And Mourdock won. I am not disputing that..but I am not going to bad mouth Lugar..and as far as that is concerned..Mr. Mourdock did not bad mouth him either.

    So get off your high horse RWN..You do not know as much about Indiana as you think you do.

  40. I sent Mourdock money after Palin endorsed him.

  41. Terrye,

    I've had conversations with people from Indiana who feel differently.

  42. RWN:

    No, I am not stupid fool. And btw, the Governor of Indiana who has an approval rating north of 60% also made public statements to the fact that outside money was a big part of that election...so go tell Mitch Daniels he is a stupid fool...you obnoxious little moron.

  43. WHy couldn't Lugar avoid a 20 point landslide despite his HUGE advantage in money and establishment support?

  44. Daniels displayed his lack of influence with Indiana conservaives. Nice going, Mitch...........

  45. RWN:

    So the hell what? You have had conversations with people in Indiana who feel differently.

    You are a real piece of work.

    After all your hysterical protestations about what a crappy candidate Romney is in spite of the fact that he actually wins elections...none of which means a thing to you...you still feel the need to lecture me because I voted for Dick Lugar here in Indiana..a state in which Republicans have been voting for Dick Lugar for decades.

    He lose. I get that. I am not saying that he cheated or that it was not time for him to go or that the other guy is a bad guy. I am just saying that there was talk here in Indiana because people are not used to people from other states caring that much and sending in money and people.

    If that bothers you....that is your problem.

  46. RWN:

    No, what Mitch did was support his mentor..he showed class even though he probably knew it was a lost cause..and now he will support Mourdock and he will be a lot more a man about it than you have been about Romney.

  47. Congressional and Senate races are national now.

    I actually made phone calls for Scott Brown, and donated to no less than a dozen candidates from states other than my own in 2010.

    Get used to it, and stop BITCHING!

  48. You can counteract it by supporting RINOs across the country, if you so choose!

  49. I'll vote for Romney, but he doesn't get a dime from me. My money will go to support congressional, gubernatorial, and local candidates.

  50. RWN:

    Are you stupid? I mean that seriously...I know you have the hots for Palin and that is a strong indicator of a weak mind..but I honestly am beginning to think that you are impaired. BTW, I don;t care what Red State says.

    Lugar lost because he is too old. He has been around too long. He is thought to be too willing to deal with Democrats and most of all...his time has passed.

    However, here in Indiana he is still admired and that is why when Mourdock ran against him he said he was trying to retire Lugar..he was not ugly about the race at all.

    I voted for Lugar because in spite of the votes I did not approve of I have always admired him and I am not sure that Mourdock is up to a general election in this state at this time.

    It is a contest idiot..you do not always win and not everyone votes your guy..that is politics. I am surprised that you are having such a hard time grasping that simple fact.

  51. I'll probably even contribute to Bachmann, who represents my district.

  52. I never said I wanted to counter act anything. I said that people here in Indiana are not used to money and people coming in from the outside..even the national media made mention of the fact.

  53. Wait a minute. A few minute ago you blamed Lugar's loss on out-of -state money....

    Now, it's his age?


  54. RWN:

    No, I did not. I said that money from out of state and Freedom Works came in to Indiana and they organized they pushed for Mourdock..they gave him resources he would not have otherwise had and all of that improved his chances.

    As a general rule no one even tried to primary Lugar. He was such an institution here in Indiana that it was difficult to get a big enough name with support to run ads etc.

    I think that the out of state money together with Lugar's age and the desire for a new face all helped defeat Lugar.

    Now RWN..I realize that is a bit complicated for you..and you see things in simple terms. but try to grasp it.

  55. So go back to my first comment and note that I mentioned Lugar's age up front..then note that I said I saw a report on Fox about the out of state money and Freedom Works.

    Mourdock is State Treasurer, that gives him more credibility than someone like Sharon Angle or Christine O'Donnell will have..but the Democrats are already trying to paint him as a Tea Party fringe candidate and all that support from Freedom Works makes it easier for them to do that.

    But this is Indiana, and I think that will be harder to do here than in Nevada or Colorado or Delaware.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Hatch only voted against Sotomayor and Kagan because he saw the handwriting on the wall for himself. That's the problem with Hatch - he's only as conservative as he needs to be to stay in office. Besides, did you see the softball questions he asked Kagan and Sotomayor during their nomination hearings? Pathetic. Hatch has lost his edge, and his only argument for staying in office is because he knows the best way to rub shoulders with slimeballs and shake hands with back-room deals. The same arguments that Lugar has been making for himself (although not in so many words).

  58. Did you know that Hatch claims in his book, "Square Peg" (I think on page 118) that he's the guy who suggested that Clinton should appoint Ginsberg to the Supreme court? According to him Clinton said he hadn't thought of her until Hatch recommended it. Wow! What a court record to be proud of - because of Hatch we have one of the most (if not the most) liberal justice currently sitting on the bench today. Like I said, I'm done with career politicians. I want people with everyday life experience to back there, serve a few terms and come back home. And we do have term limits - they're called ELECTIONS, people!!!


  59. RW

    Off the subject..I'm from MN too and I also like Bachman..who do you think will win the GOP Senate nomination to go against Klobuchar?

  60. Has anyone else noticed that when Right Wingnut decides to participate in a thread, his modus operandi is usually PERSONAL ATTACK against another commenter? A poster boy (or girl, who knows?) for intentionally provocative hostility. Guess he/she needs a public outlet for anger. Good luck with that.

  61. nemesis...maybe he is impotent.

  62. Dumb fuck anon at XX:13,

    Terrye attacked me first.

  63. Leighrow,

    it doesn't matter.

    Klobuchar is not in danger of losing that seat....unfortunately.

  64. Oh....I guess xx:13 isn't an anon.

    My bad. At least Nemesis has the balls to put a name on his asinine commentary.

  65. Interesting what a fucking ghost town this place turned into over the past few weeks of Romney supporters jerking themselves off. I show up, and BAM.....65 comments....more than the last 50 posts combined.

  66. Pablo gets a lot of credit for posting the controversial opinion....even though I disagree whole-heartedly.

  67. I'll drop by again in another 3-4 weeks to see how things are going....

    See ya...

  68. RWN:

    No, I did not attack you first. First of all you mischaracterized what I said, probably because you were too busy showing your ass to actually read it.

    And then after you did your best to insult me, I responded. In fact your first remark to me was to tell me to get of my effing high horse and I had not even said a word to you at all..

    So now I am a cunt. what a class act you are.

    The only point I ever tried to make is that I voted for Lugar because I admired the man and I thought he had a better chance of winning the general.

    But he lost to Mourdock who had a lot of help from out of state and that might be why he decided to primary Lugar in the first place...something very few people have attempted.

    You turned that into some sort of personal attack and then you went off the deep end.

    On the subject of Dick Lugar, he lost tonight. But if the people of Indiana actually despised the man I doubt that it would have taken them more than 40 years to figure it out.

    So go crawl back in your hole you fowl tempered little freak.

  69. One more thing......apologies to Bosman. I know you mean well, and have graciously let me post here despite my shortcomings. That said, the assholes that inhabit your site have ruined it. Only Romney supporters can tolerate the arrogance.

  70. I thought you were gone you little coward.

  71. I mean come on...hiding behind a fake name to call a 60 year old woman a cunt on the internet...wow..that is courage for you.

  72. What's wrong with Joe Biden is the question


  73. In Utah, Freedom Works has done much negative campaigning against Senator Hatch. We need Senator Hatch Congressman need to work together for the American People! Frankly I'm sick of Freedom Works and the Tea Party and all the Conservative Talk Show people who are helping to divide America just as Obama is dividing America. On the right it's you're not right enough and on the left your not left enough. Common people we're all Americans!

  74. An example of the kind of campaigning against Lugar that we saw from the right that I did not like would be assertions that he voted for the stimulus.

    He did not vote for Obama's stimulus. Never. That is just another example of how his record was misreported.

    I hope Mourdock wins in the general and I will vote for him then...but I also hope that Freedom Works fades into the back ground now because outside of the primaries they tend to alienate people.

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