Sunday, May 13, 2012

Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll: Romney leading Obama by 8 points nationally

Head-To-Head: (Previous results from May 12)

Mitt Romney 50% (50%)
Barack Obama 42% (43%)
A survey of 1,500 likely voters was conducted May 9-11, 2012. The MOE is +/-3%.
The full story is HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. I hope the truths about Obama's many treasonous acts come to light. He's the most creepy president by far that I've witnessed in my lifetime. I believe he is a KGb agent. Two former KGB agents say that he is. He talked like one on the open microphone to the Russian President. I don't think he's a U.S. citizen. Every move he makes on the economy is wrong. He would ruin the families of america by allowing gays legalized plunder on the rights of American families. Gays when they get the upper hand have no conscience. They're too burned in their sin to have a healthy conscience and they will try to force the rest of us to become like them just as in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. If the country goes the way of Obama, God will destroy the country, no matter what the weak minded liberals think. They are idiots all with not a clue of what life is all about. I hope Romney jumps to a 40 percent lead and thrashes obama in the election.
