Friday, May 4, 2012

Mitt Romney Campaigns with Bob McDonnell and Michele Bachmann in Portsmouth, Virginia (FULL VIDEO 05-03-12)

GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney campaigned with Virginia Republican Governor Bob McDonnell and Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, who announced her endorsement of Mitt Romney today.

Mitt Romney, in his speech to supporters, sought to draw contrast between himself and the president on issues of domestic policy and military and foreign spending. He told the coastal community that he would grant Gov. McDonnell's request to drill for oil and gas offshore.
The full story is HERE.

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  1. BOS - just a heads up that you have Rob Portman in your caption when it should be Bob McDonnell. Thanks for posting.

  2. Massachusetts ConservativeMay 4, 2012 at 9:52 AM

    Easy to mix Portman up with someone. Not a very memorable guy.
