Monday, April 23, 2012

Tea Party Conservatism = Loud, Ignorant Rhetoric

Anyone want to take a guess at what Allen West earned on the Club for Growth's scorecard last year?


Yet, Allen West is being pushed by Sarah Palin and Co. as a possible counterbalance to that moderate Mitt Romney on presidential ticket.

So why is Sarah and Rush so fond of Allen West when he is literally not that conservative?

Rep. Allen West warned Monday that reports of the FBI’s training manual being edited to scrap portions considered offensive to the Muslim community signaled an increasingly “one-way street” level of tolerance that could lead to “cultural suicide.”

“We have to understand when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it will lead to cultural suicide and we should not allow the Muslim Brotherhood-associated groups to be influencing our national security strategy,” the Florida Republican said on “Fox & Friends.”

It's a good thing we have West protecting us from "cultural suicide." And Communists in Congress. And whatever cultural boogeyman he can think of at the moment.

Matt Lewis is exactly right. The Tea Party Conservatism being pushed by Palin, Rush, and West is nothing but rhetoric. I would add that this rhetoric is mainly intended to make the issuers of such rhetoric filthy rich beyond their wildest imaginations. West may or may not be after selling books or a post-Congress career on Fox News, but he knows fully well that the way to be "conservative" is to match Talk Radio in obnoxious, fear-mongering rhetoric.

Here's to Romney killing this kind of "conservatism."


  1. This is what really frustrated me about the primary season. We had Tea Party people pushing the two career politicians whose actions promoted big government solutions. Santorum specifically may have had a socially conservative record but his record on fiscal issues was very liberal.

    I think people need to stop labeling people as conservative or even tea party because these labels mean different things to different people. Different tea party groups have different criteria as to what they deem as conservative.

  2. Those people are more interested in being celebrities that in governing, same as Obama in that regard.

  3. Thanks for the info, Pablo.

    This primary was good for something besides nominating Mitt. It opened my eyes to the fake conservatism of people like Rush, Palin, West, Santorum, Newt, etc. What a bunch of jokers.

    I'm with you, Romney is going to kill it dead.

  4. Romney is an old school Conservative.

    You know the kind of guy who actually LIVES the family values he speaks about.

    He isn't drug addled.
    He hasn't cheated on his wife or been married as often as Liz Taylor.

    He takes seriously and fufills his public servant obligations.

    He can speask about issues in a respectful manner and with intelligence and insight; as opposed to bloviating, mangling his opinions in twisted syntax or cheapening the debate by relying on dshopworn cliches.

    As a Conservative, I look forward to voting for a genuine one, Mitt Romney, tomorrow in the NY Primary.

    Mitt 2012!!!!

  5. I agree about talk radio for sure, which is why I don't listen to it. I wish liberals didn't think we ALL treated talk radio/Fox news as gospel. Conservatism is many different things—I don't think any two people think the same. GAH the rhetoric can get abrasive sometimes...

  6. You can add Beck in that group, too. He was endless talking about West for POTUS for a while......when I used to listen to him.

    I'm like the earlier commentor.....the cover has been removed from Palin, Rush, Beck, Levin, Ingraham, etc.

  7. You can add Beck in that group, too. He was endless talking about West for POTUS for a while......when I used to listen to him.

    I'm like the earlier commentor.....the cover has been removed from Palin, Rush, Beck, Levin, Ingraham, etc.
