Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Enough With The False Narrative About Palin's Vetting

There has been ample discussion as of late about potential Vice Presidential candidates. A few weeks ago, I started to notice a theme developing - designed to discredit Sarah Palin and the amount of vetting that was done prior to adding her to the ticket in 2008. Nearly every MSM article about the topic suggested that the GOP nominee would be more cautious in their vetting process to avoid making the same "mistake" the McCain campaign made.

Initially, the propagation of this false meme was mostly limited to left-wing journalists with an axe to grind. Lately, it seems that some on the right (mostly Romney supporters who are still bitter that McCain picked her over Mitt) are seizing on the opportunity to pile on. Here's a prime example of what I'm talking about from one of Romney's biggest backers. This individual writes for numerous websites, including the Mitt Romney Central fan site.
...Who ever Mitt Romney picks, the vetting process will be much more intense than in the past due to the shoddy vetting process the McCain team did with Sarah Palin....
First of all, the man is entitled to his opinion. However, given that his candidate likely has the nomination sewn up, you would think that he would have enough sense not to alienate supporters of Sarah Palin. Many of Romney's advocates suffer from the same "tin ear" as the man they support.

As for whether Palin was vetted....you'll just have to take the word of the man who personally was in charge of the team that vetted her. A.B. Culvahouse is a former White House counsel who had previously been tasked with vetting Supreme Court and Cabinet nominees. Here's what he had to say about his interview with Palin in 2009.
....Culvahouse, O’Melveny & Myers’ chairman and the leader of the team that vetted Palin before Republican presidential candidate John McCain chose her as his running mate last summer, spoke about Palin this morning at the Republican National Lawyers Association’s policy conference at the National Press Club. During the vetting process, said Culvahouse, “Me and two of my most cynical partners interviewed her, and came away impressed.” Culvahouse added that Palin would “have been a great vice president,” and said that he told McCain exactly that. So what was so impressive? Culvahouse said Palin hit certain, particularly tough questions “out of the park,” such as whether she was prepared to use nuclear weapons, and whether she would order the CIA to shoot Osama bin Laden even if it guaranteed civilian deaths. Culvahouse did not offer the details of Palin’s answers, but said, “She had a lot of capacity....”
Two years later, Culvahouse suggested that Palin not only exceeded expectations, but....
....People who are more experienced, more savvy--maybe some of them gave less savvy answers," he says with a look that indicates he's referring to some of McCain's other VP contenders....
So, there you have it. I hope everyone will agree that it's time to put this false narrative to bed. I expect it from Politico, but not from fellow Republicans who are now faced with the Herculean task of generating enthusiasm among the base of the Republican Party for Mitt Romney's candidacy.

Cross posted at Redstate

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  1. all i will say is that its 2012 and palin isnt on the list so why keep bringing her up. move on to who might b e on the list this year and write something useful about them

  2. RW, It was not hard to see from day one that Palin was not vetted, and I said that very thing from the first week. So did many others, because they could plainly see reality. I really don't care what Culvahouse says to CYA. It only took ONE INTERVIEW to expose Palin. And of course, they didn't do enough digging on Troopergate, and many other things.

    RW, it's so silly of you to say some Romney supporters still have an ax to grind because Mitt was not chosen. Maybe the first week or so, but after that it was plain to see that Mitt dodged a huge bullet. No one cared after that.

    And the dig at MRC is cheap, especially for someone who is a devoted C4P follower. LOL! At least the MRC folks are living in reality.

    I do agree with you that continuing to point out Palin's flaws/realities might alienate her supporters. But then you posted this, so you are obviously goading us into it. I'm happy to oblige.

    Anyone, for anyone with eyes to see in 08, it was clear that Palin was not vetted near enough.


  3. Sorry for the typo.

  4. Palin is a Super Star...of course those that vetted Sarah could see it...My personal opinion is that McCain throwing Sarah to the world in order to "shock" the electorate was the mistake...not the vetting. McCain was the reason Sarah had her stumbles...it is what it is...again, personally, I get Sarah's brand and understand why it resonates so deep, and I think Sarah Palin is going to be around for a long long time.


  5. There's a lot of evidence out there both trashing Palin and supporting Palin but personally I think the best evidence comes right from the source itself. You don't need to be a rocket scientist, or even a 5th grader hoping to be a rocket scientist to know that Sarah Palin os full of B.S. and dumber than bag of pop-rocks. In fact, all one needs to do is listen to her open her mouth for more than 10 seconds. The evidence is really quite astounding. So, the speculation on all of this really isn't necessary since the proof stands before us as a commentator on Foxnews.

    The debate we should be having is why McCain would try to pawn such an idiotic VP candidate on the American People. It's really almost an insult to the intelligence of the GOP electorate. But then again, there are still those who adore her, while at the same time voted for Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum thinking that either of them had the ethical fortitude to be President. So really, we should all be upset that McCain exposed the ultra right wing of the party as a bunch of zombie voters bent of electing the dumbest President they can possibly relate to.

    Thank heavens the "establishment" saved us from our moronic selves and actually backed a man with brains for the the nomination. SOmething tells me the Mitt is smart enough not to make the mistake of 2008, or 1988 for that matter when we got stuck with Palin's intellectual grandfather - Dan Quayle.

  6. Axelrod will just replay these statements back,


    Bush picked Cheney, and he went to
    a virtual tie, versus Al Gore,

  7. Palin had good natural political ability, but as Charles K and others have noted, was unable or unwilling to put in the time to get up to snuff on the issues. She was just too far behind. A lifetime of reading People Magazine will not get you ready for the national ticket.

  8. Would like a side order of Bitter to go along with your Sour Grapes?

  9. That was it? That was the "full vetting" of Palin? An interview? She hit a couple of answers out of the park? That's what we call vetting now a days?

    Good grief...

  10. An yes, the Rombots are not bitter about Sarah being selected for VP.

    With the way that Obama became the "Promised One" candidate, nobody on the GOP side had a prayer.

    If Mitt had been on the ticket, the ABRs would have blamed him for the loss and he wouldn't be the nominee now.....So, nope, no bitterness whatsoever :D

  11. vetted or not, palin was/is incompetent and inexperienced to be president. she can talk the talk but can never walk the walk. judge people by their actions not by what they say. Romney said liberal positions in the past but his deeds/accomplishments/actions were more conservative positions.

  12. I was not bitter because McCain picked Sarah Palin over Romney. I was surprised, but it was a good surprise...back then. But if I knew Sarah Palin then, the way I know her now, I am not sure I would be so surprised. So no...she was not fully vetted.

  13. And something else, I knew a lot of conservatives who refused to vote because she was on the ticket...they said they would not vote for "that woman". That might be old guys who are stuck in the past, but they were also people who did not know her and were suspicious of how she got that position.

  14. Sarah Palin is so 2008. Now it's 2012. Don't be a dinosaur.

  15. In 2008 the election centered around issues that were clearly strengths for Romney and yet McCain chose Palin. If there is blame to go around it falls squarely on McCain and his advisers. He was a weak candidate and he took a calculated risk and it didn't work. End of story.

  16. "But if I knew Sarah Palin then, the way I know her now, I am not sure I would be so surprised. So no...she was not fully vetted."

    See what happens to the brain stuck inside Buil Maher's comedy canal, the brain turn to mush.

  17. hardly false. she was a disaster and continues to embarrass the party and herself.

  18. "That might be old guys who are stuck in the past, but they were also people who did not know her and were suspicious of how she got that position."

    True but mostly they were hate-raging Feminists who misgynistically had to destroy a woman with whom they could never complete against at home or at work. Feminists had to destroy Sarah Pain because they could stand seeing themselves as life's ultimate losers.

  19. I'm a financially wealthy Independent woman who-after the 2010 election- is no longer a registered Republican.

    Romneyrots better understand that their candidate has already lost my campaign cash and my time spent getting out the vote for their candidate.

    If Romeneyrots want to also lose my vote (isn't Mitt is supposed to be better than Obama?) then they should continue their misquided tactic of trashing those who represent the Conservative base.

    Trashing the Conservative base failed McCain, hopefully Romney is smart enough to not do the same.

  20. I say she has been vetted more than any Republican candidate. I haven't seen any of Romney's emails while he was governor.

    But, let's see how the Mittster holds up in the light and afterwards we can compare notes, shall we?

  21. McCain went for the sizzle and fogot to check if there was any steak.

    There wasn't.

    That doesn't mean sizzle isn't important, it is to degree. But sizzles fade and if there is no good steak to cut into, the meal is a loss.

    So after the Palin's sizzle began to fade, it was clear this only a minutue steak and not a Porterhouse.

    The countless vapid Fox News/Sean Hannity interviews, where the answers were telegraphed in the questions, revealed Palin was more Mc Donalds than Ruth's Chris.

  22. Sarah Palin would of beat the non-vetted Obama hands down if she had been at the top of the ticket and not McCain. She would of exposed him for the one he really is.

    She was vetted more than any candidate and still continues to be vetted to this day.

    Anyone who watches the movie "The Undefeated" realizes just how much Sarah would of done for this country. She was the only candidate to have a Top Secret Clearance when she was running and she did not get that by being stupid. How many of you have really searched out her true record. She is above all the candidates including Mit Romney. I would be honored to have her as my President.

  23. 1048. Bull pucky. Many GOP's went to vote for Obama BECAUSE they feared for McCain's health and this vapid woman taking the country.

  24. lol 10:48, your understanding of and deep appreciation for Palin came after watching "the Undefeated" LOL. Didnt Palin get a worst actress nomination for that movie, where she is playing HERSELF? lol

  25. Tolerating Mitt Romney for the good of the country is difficult. I don't like him and I don't trust him. My prayer is still that in August, the delegates will see this convention as an opportunity to reach for the greatest future for America, which would be the nomination of a Palin/West ticket for 2012.

    And to answer the rhetorical question everyone seems to be floating, those who are critical of Sarah Palin are trying their best to convince themselves and anyone who will listen that it is okay for republicans not to have their A-TEAM if they can diminish that which they fear.

    They know they can't control Sarah, that she can't be "bought off", that she will stand with determination for what is right for this country, and she is the absolute greatest threat to crony politics and the d.c. way of life. They know that Col. West possesses the same fierce patriotism and relentless resolve, and that together, Palin/West would fulfill their oaths of office.
